sâmbătă | 27 aprilie, 2024 |
Starea pietei: INCHISA

Stiri Piata


Hotarari AGAE 30.01.2017

Data Publicare: 30.01.2017 16:55:22

Cod IRIS: D11E3


RAPORT CURENT ( conform Regulamentului C.N.V.M. nr.1/2006)


Data raportului  :  30.01.2017


Denumire emitent :  SC RETRASIB SA


Sediul social  :  Sibiu, str. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 156, jud. Sibiu


Tel / fax   :    0269/253269 ;  0269/253279


Nr. si data inregistrarii la ORC  :  J 32/16/1993


C.I.F: RO 3906360


Capital social subscris si varsat este : 10.001.205,40 lei                    


Piata reglementata pe care se tranzactioneaza valorile mobiliare emise de S.C. RETRASIB S.A. este Bursa de Valori Bucuresti simbol RTRA.




I. Eveniment important de raportat :  


Adunarea Generala Extraordinara Retrasib S.A , s-a  intrunit la prima convocare,  in dala de 30 Ianuarie 2017, la ora 10:00, la sediul societatii , fiind legal convocata, au hotarat urmatoarele:





















Hotararea Adunarii Generale Extraordinare Actionarilor Retrasib S.A.


Nr. 83/30 ianuarie 2017

Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Retrasib S.A.

No. 83/30 January 2017

Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor Retrasib S.A. (“Societatea”), s-a intrunit la prima convocare, in data de 30 ianuarie 2017, ora 10:00, la sediul Societatii, fiind legal convocata in conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 31/1990 privind societatile, republicata, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, ale Legii 297/2004 privind piata de capital, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare, ale Regulamentului CNVM nr. 6/2009 privind exercitarea anumitor drepturi ale actionarilor in cadrul adunarilor generale ale societatilor, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare si ale Actului Constitutiv al Societatii.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Retrasib S.A. (the “Company”), was held at the first calling, on 30 January 2017, starting with 10:00 a.m., at the Company’s headquarters, being duly convened in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 31/1990 concerning companies, republished, as subsequently amended as supplemented, of Law no. 297/2004, as subsequently amended as supplemented, or Regulation no. 6/2009 concerning certain rights of shareholders within general meetings of shareholders, as subsequently amended as supplemented, and of the Company’s Articles of Association.

La Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor au participat sau au fost reprezentati de catre imputernicitii acestora in baza procurii speciale un numar de 2 actionari, detinand un numar de 91.795.272 actiuni din totalul de 100.012.054 actiuni si 91,795,272 drepturi de vot din totalul de 100.012.054 drepturi de vot, reprezentand 91,7842% din capitalul social si din drepturile de vot.

At the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders participated or were represented through their attorneys-in-fact empowered under the special power of attorney a number of 2 shareholders, holding a number of 91,795,272 shares of the total number of 100,012,054 shares and representing 91,795,272 voting rights of the total number of 100,012,054 voting rights, representing 91.7842% of the share capital and of the voting rights

Adunarea a fost prezidata de Heinrich Uekermann, in calitate de membru al CA; ca secretar al adunarii a fost ales cu unanimitate de voturi dl Marin Stancu, in calitate de reprezentant al Scando Trading SRL, iar ca secretar tehnic a fost ales in aceleasi conditii dna Alina Stefanuta.

The meeting was chaired by Heinrich Uekermann, as member of the BoD; Mr. Marin Stancu, as representative of Scando Trading SRL, was appointed secretary of the meeting with unanimity of votes, while Mrs. Alina Stefanuta, was appointed as technical secretary in the same conditions.

Presedintele si secretarii de sedinta au constatat ca sunt intrunite conditiile legale si ale actului constitutiv pentru tinerea Adunarii Generale Extraordinare, ca lista de prezenta a adunarii a fost intocmita si ca au fost intrunite conditiile de cvorum.

The president and the secretaries of the meeting certified that the legal and statutory conditions are fulfilled in order to hold the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders, that the list of shareholders was prepared and that the quorum conditions were fulfilled.

Ordinea de zi a fost stabilita prin convocatorul publicat in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, Partea a IV-a, nr. 4395 din 27 decembrie 2016 si in ziarul „De toate pentru toti” nr. 2657 din 23.12.2016, fiind completata in Monitorul Oficial, Partea a IV-a, nr. 200 din 17 ianuarie 2017 si in ziarul „De toate pentru toti” din 17 ianuarie 2017.

The agenda of the meeting was established through the convening notice published with the Official Gazette no. 4395 of 27 December 2016 and the newspaper „De toate pentru toti” no. 2657 of 23.12.2016, while completed Official Gazette no. 200 of 17 January 2017 and the newspaper “De toate pentru toti” of 17 January 2017.

In urma dezbaterilor actionarii Societatii hotarasc urmatoarele:

Following deliberations the Company’s shareholders approve the following:

  1. Se aproba ordinea de zi a adunarii.
  1. Approved the agenda of the meeting.

Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).

  1. Se confirma, aproba si ratifica incheierea de catre Societate, in calitate de imprumutat, si SGB SMIT International GMBH, in calitate de creditor, a contractului de imprumut din data de 29 noiembrie 2016, prin care Societatea a primit un imprumut pentru o suma maxima de 2.440.000 Euro, pe o perioada nedeterminata. Se confirma si garantiile acordate pentru rambursarea acestui imprumut (decizia CA 277/ 11.11.2016).
  1. Confirmation, approval and ratification of the execution by the Company, as borrower and SGB SMIT International GMBH, as lender, of the loan agreement dated 29 November 2016, under which the Company received a loan for a maximum amount of EUR 2,440,000, for an indefinite period of time. The securities granted for the reimbursement of such loan are confirmed as well (BoD decision 277/ 11.11.2016).

Decizia a fost adoptata fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: pentru 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate, impotriva 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot si abtineri 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.

The decision was adopted, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: for 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515% of the total number of voting rights, against 0 votes representing 0% of the total number of voting rights and abstentions 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327% of the total number of voting rights.

  1. Se aproba prelungirea Plafonului Global de Exploatare multivaluta in suma de 60.000.000 lei (noua scadenta devenind 30.04.2022) in baza contractului de credit nr. 182/06.05.2010 si toate actele aditionale ulterioare, incheiat intre Societate, in calitate de imprumutat si Banca Transilvania, prelungirea perioadei de tragere/de utilizare a Plafonului Global de Exploatare cu inca 12 luni, noua scadenta devenind (30.04.2018), prelungire linie de credit in cadrul Plafonului  cu 12 luni (scadenta nou propusa 29.04.2018); Credite pe termen scurt si mediu pentru capital de lucru trase din cadrul plafonului se vor acorda pe max 24 luni, fara a depasi noua scadenta a plafonului, corelate cu contractele cesionate in favoarea Bancii; Valabilitatea Scrisorilor de garantie bancara nu va depasi scadenta finala a Plafonului, iar in caz de executare a scrisorilor de garantie bancara creditele rezultate din executarea scrisorilor se acorda pe maxim 12 luni, in lei.
  1. Approving the extension of the Overall Credit Limit many currencies amounting to Lei 60,000,000 (whereas the new due date is 30.04.2022) on the basis of the credit agreement no. 182/06.05.2010 and all the subsequent addenda thereto, concluded by and between the Company, as borrower and Banca Transilvania, the extension of the period for the drawdown/ use of the Overall Credit Limit by further 12 months, whereas the new due date is (30.04.2018), the extension of the credit line of the Limit by 12 months (newly proposed due date 29.04.2018); short- term and medium- term Credits for working capital drawdown within the limit will be granted for maximum of 24 months without exceeding the new due date of the limit, correlated with the agreements assigned in favour of the Bank; the Validity of the letters of bank guarantee will not exceed the final due date of the Limit and in case of the enforcement of the letters of bank guarantee the credits resulting from the enforcement of the letters of bank guarantee will be granted for maximum of 12 months, in Lei.

Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).


The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).

  1. Mentinerea destinatiei plafonului global de exploatare si tragerea din cadrul sau sub forma de:

- linie de credit, in valoare maxima de 2.000.000 lei;

- credite pe termen scurt/mediu; 

- Scrisori de garantie bancara de participare la licitatie, buna executie si restituire avans, contragarantii bancare, scrisori de retentie etc;


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).



  1. Imputernicirea consiliului de administratie pentru negocierea, stabilirea, aprobarea conditiilor contractuale ale actelor modificatoare ale contractului de credit de la pct. 3, pentru aprobarea regulilor pentru efectuarea de trageri de sub acest contract si aprobarea constituirii in garantie a activelor Societatii, precum si modificarea pachetelor de garantie existente (cu exceptia constituirii unor garantii imobiliare suplimentare, pentru care va fi necesara o aprobare prealabila, specifica, a adunarii generale extraordinare a actionarilor). Pentru garantarea obligatiilor Societatii rezultand din acest contract, directorul general d-na Claudia Gherghel va fi semnatara oricaror acte, putand desemna imputerniciti dupa cum considera de cuviinta.


  1. The Overall Credit Limit maintains its purpose, out of which drawdowns can be made as:

-       credit line amounting to a maximum of Lei 2,000,000;

-       short-term / medium-term credits;

-       letters of bank guarantee for  participation in tender, performance bond, reimbursement of advance payment, bank counter security, retention money guarantees etc.;

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. Empowering the Board of Directors to negotiate, determine, approve the terms and conditions of the amending documents of the credit agreement as per item 3 above, to approve the rules for drawdowns under such agreement and to approve the establishment as security of the Company’s assets, as well as to amend the existing security packages (except for creating additional securities on immovable assets, for which a prior, specific approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be required). For securing the Company’s obligations under such agreement the general manager, Ms. Claudia Gherghel will sign any related documents and appoint proxies as appropriate.

Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).

  1. Ratificarea actelor incheiate de conducerea societatii in vederea implementarii prelungirilor mentionate mai sus la pct. 3, inclusiv a actelor modificatoare si de constituire de garantii in acest scop.
  1. Ratification of the documents concluded by the Company’s management for the implementation of the extensions mentioned above as per item 3, including of the deed for the amendment and the creation of securities for this purpose.


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).

The decision was adopted in unanimity if the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).

  1. Ratificarea tuturor deciziilor Consiliului de Administratie din 2016 in legatura cu toate facilitatile de credit contractate de Retrasib SA de la Banca Transilvania SA, in sold sau rambursate in cursul anului 2016, in ce priveste:

- prelungirea plafonului global de exploatare si a tuturor tragerilor din cadrul acestuia (linie de credit, credite pe termen scurt sau mediu, orice tip de scrisori de garantie bancara sau contragarantii bancare etc.),

- prelungirea valabilitatii plafonului cu inca 12 luni,

- prelungirea perioadei de tragere a plafonului cu inca 12 luni,

- suplimentarea garantiilor imobiliare la Plafonul global de exploatare.

  1. Ratification of all the decisions of the Board of Directors dated 2016 regarding all the credit facilities entered into by and between Retrasib SA and Banca Transilvania SA, on balance or reimbursed during 2016, concerning:

-       extension of the overall credit limit and of all the drawdowns related thereto (credit line, short- term or medium- term credits, any type of letters of bank guarantee or bank counter securities etc.),

-       extension of the validity of the limit by further 12 months

-       extension of the period for drawdown by further 12 months,

-       creation of additional securities on immovable assets to the Overall credit limit


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).



  1. Ratificarea hotararii CA privind suplimentarea garantiei la Plafonul global de exploatare pentru care s-a incheiat contractul de ipoteca de rang II incheiat la data de 29.11.2016 cu Banca Transilvania avand ca obiect imobilul din Cluj, proprietatea imobiliara situata in Cluj Napoca, str. H. Barbusse nr. 44-46, jud. Cluj, inscrisa in CF nr. 257035-C22-U15 a localitatii Cluj-Napoca, nr.cad./nr.top. 257035-C22-U15, de sub A1 – etaj I, CF nr.257035-C22-U21 a localitatii Cluj-Napoca, nr.cad./nr.top.257035-C22-U21, de sub A1 – etaj VII, CF nr.257035-C22-U22 a localitatii Cluj-Napoca, nr.cad./nr.top.257035-C22-U22, de sub A1 – ETAJ TEHNIC, precum si cu cota parte indiviza de teren in folosinta, cota de 37500/2012700 din CF nr. 257035 a localitatii Cluj-Napoca, nr.cad./nr.top.257035, de sub A1 (decizia CA nr. 276 / 10.11.2016).


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).



  1. Daca e cazul, suplimentar fata de Plafonul Global de exploatare in suma existenta de 60.000.000 lei, conform contractului de credit nr. 182/06.05.2010 si actele aditionale aferente) se propune posibilitatea contractarii altor finantari de orice natura in valoare maxima de 30.000.000 lei de catre Societate, in calitate de imprumutat/ garant, finantari avand destinatie activitatea curenta sau credite de investitii. Se imputerniceste Consiliul de administratie pentru negocierea, stabilirea si aprobarea conditiilor contractuale ale acestor credite precum si pentru aprobarea  constituirii in garantie a activelor Societatii, precum si modificarea garantiilor (cu exceptia constituirii de garantii imobiliare noi pentru care va fi necesara o aprobare prealabila specifica a adunarii generale extraordinare a actionarilor), Directorul general dna Claudia Gherghel va fi semnatara oricaror astfel de acte putand desemna imputerniciti dupa cum considera de cuviinta.


Decizia a fost adoptata fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile, reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (reprezentand 91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: Pentru: 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate; Impotriva: 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot; si Abtineri: 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.


  1. Imputernicirea consiliului de administratie pentru reevaluarea produselor bancare si a conditiilor aplicabile conturilor bancare existente, inceperea negocierilor cu noi banci, imputernicire pentru negocierea, stabilirea, aprobarea conditiilor contractuale ale unor noi contracte, pentru aprobarea oricaror trageri de sub acest contract si aprobarea constituirii in garantie a activelor Societatii (cu exceptia garantiilor imobiliare) pentru garantarea obligatiilor Societatii rezultand din astfel de contracte.


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).


  1. Se aproba operatiunea de majorare de capital social in limita unui plafon maxim de 18.013.343,2 RON, respectiv de la RON la 28.014.548,6 RON pentru corectarea activului net al Societatii. Majorarea capitalului social se va realiza prin emisiunea unui numar maxim de 180.133.432 de actiuni ordinare nominative in forma dematerializata la un pret de 0,1 RON/ actiune, la valoarea nominala, fara prima de emisiune, si care vor fi distribuite pentru subscriere dupa cum urmeaza:


a.           121.500.000 de actiuni in suma totala de 12.150.000 RON vor fi oferite spre subscriere in favoarea actionarului majoritar SGB SMIT International GMBH prin conversia in actiuni a creantelor certe, lichide si exigibile detinute impotriva Societatii in valoare de 12.150.000 RON (echivalentul a 2.700.000 EUR la un curs de schimb valutar de 1 EUR/ 4,5 RON), confirmate de un expert independent autorizat, a carui numire va fi aprobata de catre actionari, daca va fi cazul;


b.      Restul de maximum 58.633.432 de actiuni noi in suma de 5.863.343,2 RON sunt oferite spre subscriere celorlalti actionari existenti, in baza dreptului de preferinta al acestora, in schimbul unor aporturi in numerar.


Perioada de exercitare a dreptului de preferinta in vederea pastrarii ponderii detinute de catre fiecare actionar in capitalul social al Societatii este de 31 de zile calendaristice si va incepe sa curga de la data stabilita prin prospectul si prin anuntul public, intocmite in conformitate cu Regulamentul 1/2006, ulterioara datei publicarii hotararii Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor in Monitorul Oficial.



Toti detinatorii de drepturi de preferinta trebuie sa verse in intregime pretul actiunilor noi in conformitate cu legea aplicabila. Toate actiunile care nu sunt subscrise sau platite in intregime de catre actionari pana la expirarea termenului de exercitare a drepturilor de preferinta vor fi anulate, fara a fi puse la dispozitia publicului investitor.


Numarul total de drepturi de preferinta este egal cu numarul de actiuni inregistrate in registrul actionarilor Societatii tinut de Depozitarul Central SA la data de inregistrare. Pentru dobandirea unei actiuni noi este necesar un numar de drepturi de preferinta, calculat prin impartirea numarului de actiuni existente la numarul maxim de actiuni noi disponibile pentru emitere (0,55). Se propune ca drepturile de preferinta sa nu poata fi tranzactionate. Fiecare actionar poate subscrie in limita drepturilor de preferinta pe care le detine avand in vedere valoarea maxima a majorarii capitalului social care se va decide in cadrul Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor.



Subscrierea si emisiunea noilor actiuni vor fi facute la valoarea nominala. In cazul in care valoarea rezultanta a numarului de actiuni noi la care un detinator de drepturi de preferinta este indreptatit de un numar fractional, numarul de actiuni noi care vor fi subscrise va fi determinat prin rotunjire in plus sau in minus pana la cel mai apropiat numar intreg.


In cazul in care se aplica o exceptie de la obligatia de intocmire a unui prospect, Consiliul de Administratie va fi imputernicit sa stabileasca si sa faca publica perioada de subscriere, care va dura 31 de zile calendaristice, in conformitate cu legea.


Majorarea de capital se incheie cu succes daca participa 50% din capitalul social total.



Decizia a fost adoptata fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile, reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (reprezentand 91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: Pentru: 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate; Impotriva: 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot; si Abtineri: 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.


  1. Imputernicirea Consiliului de Administratie/ratificarea deciziilor Consiliului de Administratie pentru a intreprinde masurile de publicitate necesare, a stabili orice formalitati sau proceduri necesare obtinerii documentelor de subscriere, sa aprobe procedura de subscriere, inclusiv data de la care incepe sa curga perioada de exercitare a dreptului de preferinta a actionarilor, efectuarea subscrierii sau a altor documente legate de majorarea de capital social, sa aprobe/ratifice numirea societatii specializate/ broker-ului autorizat care va presta servicii de investitii financiare in vederea intocmirii prospectului si documentatiei aferente necesare pentru majorarea capitalului social, in conformitate cu legea aplicabila, pentru a constata prin decizie rezultatul subscriptiei actiunilor nou emise si platite prin conversia creantelor sau, in cazul actionarilor minoritari, in numerar, pentru a anula actiunile nesubscrise sau neplatite si a finaliza pe aceste baze majorarea de capital social. Consiliul de Administratie va avea puterea de a numi anumite persoane in vederea efectuarii acestor actiuni si acorda subimputerniciri in limita mandatului de mai sus.


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).



  1. Modificarea CAP. III art. 7 al actului constitutiv al Societatii ca urmare a majorarii de capital:


Art. 7.1 Capitalul social este in valoare de [●] lei, subscris si varsat integral, impartit in [●] de actiuni cu o valoare nominala de 0,1 lei fiecare. Cu aceasta data se actualizeaza si numarul de actiuni detinut de fiecare actionar ca urmare a achizitiei de actiuni din 10.12.2014 neinregistrate in ORC pana la aceasta data.


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).




  1. Confirmarea inchiderii punctului de lucru al societatii din Bucuresti, sector 5, str. Iovita, nr. 23-27, parter, apt. 2/1, cu efect din data de 01.01.2017.



Decizia a fost adoptata fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile, reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (reprezentand 91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: Pentru: 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate; Impotriva: 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot; si Abtineri: 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.


  1. Imputernicirea fiecaruia dintre domnii Jan Olscher, Michael Amon, Iulian Stancu, si dnei Claudia Gherghel si/sau a oricaror alte persoane desemnate de precedentii mentionati, cu posibilitatea de substituire, sa semneze in numele actionarilor Societatii hotararea Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor, declaratii, cereri, dupa caz, actul constitutiv actualizat, orice alte documente necesare si sa indeplineasca toate formalitatile cerute de lege in fata autoritatilor competente si in fata oricaror terte parti, inclusiv in fata Bursei de Valori Bucuresti, a Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara, a Depozitarului Central, a Registrului Comertului, pentru a pune in aplicare hotararile luate in cadrul Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor, pentru a le publica si inregistra oriunde este necesar.


Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).




  1. Stabilirea datei de 15 februarie 2017 ca data de inregistrare pentru identificarea actionarilor asupra carora se rasfrang efectele hotararii Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor, conform art. 238 din Legea 297/2004, si a datei de 14 februarie 2017 ca ex-date. Intrucat nu se propune adoptarea unei decizii care sa implice efectuarea unor plati catre actionari, actionarii nu decid asupra datei platii, asa cum este definita de articolul 2 lit g din Regulamentul nr. 6/2009.




Decizia a fost adoptata in unanimitate de catre cei prezenti fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social).



  1. Alternativ la pct. 11, aprobarea majorarii de capital social cu prima de emisiune in limita unui plafon maxim total de 18.013.343,2 RON, din care aport la capital 5.736.733,5 RON si prima de emisiune 12.276.609,7 RON. Majorarea capitalului social se va realiza prin emisiunea unui numar maxim de 57.367.335 de actiuni ordinare nominative in forma dematerializata la un pret de 0,314 RON/ actiune. Majorarea de capital se va realiza de la RON la maxim 15.737.938,9 RON pentru corectarea activului net al Societatii. Diferenta dintre pretul de emisiune si valoarea nominala (in cazul de fata 12.276.609,7 RON) va constitui prima de emisiune si se va evidentia separat in rezervele societatii. Actiunile vor fi distribuite pentru subscriere dupa cum urmeaza:


-         38.695.117 de actiuni la un pret de 12.150.000 RON vor fi oferite spre subscriere in favoarea actionarului majoritar SGB SMIT International GMBH prin conversia in actiuni a creantelor certe, lichide si exigibile detinute impotriva Societatii in valoare de 12.150.000 RON (echivalentul a 2.700.000 EUR la un curs de schimb valutar de 1 EUR/ 4,5 RON);


-         Restul de maximum 18.672.218 de actiuni noi la un pret de 5.863.076,45 RON sunt oferite spre subscriere celorlalti actionari existenti, in baza dreptului de preferinta al acestora, in schimbul unor aporturi in numerar.


Perioada de exercitare a dreptului de preferinta in vederea pastrarii ponderii detinute de catre fiecare actionar in capitalul social al Societatii este de 31 de zile calendaristice si va incepe sa curga de la data stabilita prin prospect, intocmite in conformitate cu Regulamentul 1/2006, ulterioara datei publicarii hotararii Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor in Monitorul Oficial.


Toti detinatorii de drepturi de preferinta trebuie sa verse in intregime pretul actiunilor noi in conformitate cu legea aplicabila. Toate actiunile care nu sunt subscrise sau platite in intregime de catre actionari pana la expirarea termenului de exercitare a drepturilor de preferinta vor fi anulate, fara a fi puse la dispozitia publicului investitor.

Numarul total de drepturi de preferinta este egal cu numarul de actiuni inregistrate in registrul actionarilor Societatii tinut de Depozitarul Central SA la data de inregistrare. Pentru dobandirea unei actiuni noi este necesar un numar de drepturi de preferinta, calculat prin impartirea numarului de actiuni existente la numarul maxim de actiuni noi disponibile pentru emitere (1,74336). Se propune ca drepturile de preferinta sa nu poata fi tranzactionate. Fiecare actionar poate subscrie in limita drepturilor de preferinta pe care le detine avand in vedere valoarea maxima a majorarii capitalului social care se va decide in cadrul Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor.

Subscrierea va fi facuta la pretul de 0,314 RON, iar emisiunea noilor actiuni va fi facuta la valoarea nominala de 0,1 RON. In cazul in care valoarea rezultanta a numarului de actiuni noi la care un detinator de drepturi de preferinta este indreptatit de un numar fractional, numarul de actiuni noi care vor fi subscrise va fi determinat prin rotunjire in plus sau in minus pana la cel mai apropiat numar intreg.


In cazul in care se aplica o exceptie de la obligatia de intocmire a unui prospect, Consiliul de Administratie va fi imputernicit sa stabileasca si sa faca publica perioada de subscriere, care va dura 31 de zile calendaristice, in conformitate cu legea.


Propunerea a fost respinsa fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile, reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (reprezentand 91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: Pentru: 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot; Impotriva: 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate; si Abtineri: 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.



  1. Aprobarea contractarii de catre Consiliul de Administratie a serviciilor unui evaluator independent autorizat inregistrat la ASF in vederea calcularii activului net al Societatii si al pretului per actiune raportat la acesta.


Propunerea a fost respinsa fiind exprimate un numar total de 91.795.272 voturi valabile, reprezentand 91.795.272 de actiuni ale Societatii (reprezentand 91,7842% din numarul total al drepturilor de vot si din capitalul social) respectiv: Pentru: 24.335.659 voturi reprezentand 24,3327% din numarul total de drepturi de vot; Impotriva: 67.459.613 voturi reprezentand 67,4515%  din numarul total de drepturi de vot si 73,4892% din voturile exprimate; si Abtineri: 0 voturi reprezentand 0% din numarul total de drepturi de vot.




The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. Ratification of the decision of the Board of Directors regarding the creation of additional security to the Overall credit limit for which on 29.11.2016 the second rank mortgage agreement was concluded with Banca Transilvania having as subject matter the real estate located in Cluj, immovable property situated in Cluj-Napoca, 44-46 H. Barbusse St, Cluj county, registered with the land book 257035-C22-U15 of Cluj-Napoca, cad./ top. no. 257035-C22-U15, under A1, 1st floor, land book 257035-C22-U21 of Cluj-Napoca, cad./ top. no. 257035-C22-U21, under A1, VIIth floor, land book 257035-C22-U22 of Cluj-Napoca, cad./ top. no. 257035-C22-U22, under A1, TECHNICAL FLOOR, together with the undivided ratio of the used land plot, with the ratio 37500/2012700 registered with the land book no. 257035 of Cluj-Napoca, cad./ top. no. 257035 under A1 (BoD decision no. 276/10.11.2016).

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. Should the case be, the possibility of contracting further financings of any nature by the Company as borrower/ guarantor amounting to a maximum of Lei 30,000,000 for current activity or investment credits, additional to the Overall Credit Limit in the existing amount of Lei 60,000,000 according to the credit agreement no. 182/ 06.05.2010 and the addenda related thereto is proposed. Empowering the board of directors to negotiate, determine and approve the terms and conditions of these credits and to approve as well the establishment as security of the Company’s assets, as well as the amendment of the securities (except for creating new additional securities on immovable assets, for which a prior, specific approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders will be required). The general manager, Ms. Claudia Gherghel will sign any related documents and appoint proxies as appropriate.



The decision was adopted, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: In favour: 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515%  of the total number of voting rights and 73.4892% of the casted votes; Against: 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights; and  Retained: 0 votes representing 0% of the total number of voting rights.


  1. Empowering the Board of Directors to revaluate the banking products and the conditions connected to the existing bank accounts, start negotiations with new banks, power of attorney to negotiate, determine, approve the terms and conditions of new agreements in the best interest of the Company, to approve any drawdowns under such newly signed agreements and to approve the establishment as security of the Company’s assets (with the exception of immovable assets) for securing the Company’s obligations under such agreements.

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. The approval of the Company’s share capital increase operation with a maximum amount of 18,013,343.2 RON, respectively from RON 10,001,205.4 to RON 28,014,548.6 for the correction of the Company’s net asset. The share capital increase shall be performed by issuing a maximum number of 180,133,432 nominative ordinary shares in dematerialized form at the price of RON 0.1/ share, the nominal value, without any share premium, and which shall be distributed for subscription as follows:


a. 121,500,000 shares in total amount of RON 12,150,000 shall be offered for subscription to the majority shareholder SGB SMIT International GMBH by swap into equity of the certain, liquid and due receivables held against the Company, having a value of RON 12,150,000 (the equivalent of EUR 2,700,000 by using an exchange rate of 1 EUR/ 4.5 RON), as confirmed by an authorized independent expert, whose appointment will be decided by the shareholders, if necessary;


b. The rest of maximum 58,633,432 new shares in total amount of RON 5,863,343.2 are offered for subscription to the other existing shareholders, based on their preference right, against contributions in cash.


The period for exercising the preference right in view of maintaining the proportion held by each shareholder in the Company’s share capital is of 31 calendar days and shall commence on the date established under the prospectus and the public announcement, prepared in accordance with Regulation 1/2006, subsequent to the publication date with the Official Gazette of the resolution of the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders.


All preference right holders shall pay the full price of the new shares in accordance with the applicable law. All shares which are not entirely subscribed or paid by the shareholders upon expiry of the term for exercising the preference right shall be annulled, without being made available to the public.



The total number of preference rights equals the number of shares registered in the Company’s Shareholders Registry kept by the Central Depository SA as of the registration date. In order to acquire a new share it is necessary to have a certain number of preference rights, computed by dividing the number of existing shares to the maximum number of new shares available for issuance (0.55). It is proposed that the preference right are prohibited from being traded. Each shareholder can subscribe new shares within the limit of his preference right taking into account also the maximum value of the share capital increase to be decided in the General Extraordinary Meeting of the Shareholders.


The subscription and the issuance of new shares shall occur at nominal value. In case the resulting value of the number of new shares to which a holder of preference rights is entitled is a decimal number, the number of the new shares which shall be subscribed shall be determined by the positive or negative adjustment up to the closest aggregate number.


Should an exception from the issuance of the prospectus apply, the Board of Directors is hereby empowered to establish and make public the subscription period, which will last 31 calendar days in accordance with the law.


The share capital increase shall be considered successful if a threshold of 50% of the total share capital participates.


The decision was adopted, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: In favour: 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515%  of the total number of voting rights and 73.4892% of the casted votes; Against: 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights; and  Retained: 0 votes representing 0% of the total number of voting rights.



  1. Empowerment of the Board of Directors/ ratification of the Board of Director’s decisions to undertake the necessary publicity measures, to establish any formalities or procedures needed for obtaining the subscription documents, to approve the subscription procedure, including the date from which the period for exercising the shareholder’s preference right starts to run, performing the subscription or other documentation related to the share capital increase, to approve/ratify the appointment of the specialized company/ an authorized broker which shall perform financial investment services in view of preparing the prospectus and the related documentation required for carrying out the share capital increase, in accordance with the applicable law, to acknowledge by means of decision the result of the subscription of the newly issued shares which were paid through conversion of receivables or, in case of the minority shareholders, in cash, to annual unsubscribed or unpaid shares and to finalize on these grounds the share capital increase. The Board of Directors will have the power to appoint certain persons to carry out such actions and grant PoAs within the limits of the mandate above.


The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. Approval of the amendment of CHAP. III Art. 7 of the Company’s articles of association as result of the share capital increase as follows:

Art. 7.1 The share capital has a value of [●] lei, entirely subscribed and paid in, divided into [●] shares with a nominal value of lei 0.1 each. With this occasion the number of shares held by each shareholder shall be updated according to the acquisition of shares dated as at 10.12.2014 and not registered with the competent Trade Registry by now.


The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).



  1. Confirmation of the closing the Company’s working point located in Bucharest, 5th district, 23- 27 Iovita street, ground floor, app. 2/ 1, as of 01.01.2017.


The decision was adopted, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: In favour: 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515%  of the total number of voting rights and 73.4892% of the casted votes; Against: 0 votes representing 0% of the total number of voting rights; and Retained: 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights.



  1. Empowering each of Jan Olscher, Michael Amon, Iulian Stancu and Mrs. Claudia Gherghel and/or any other persons designated by the aforementioned persons, with the possibility of substitution, to sign on behalf of the Company’s shareholders the resolution of the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders, affidavits, applications, as the case may be, the updated articles of association, any other necessary documents and to fulfil all formalities required by the law in front of the competent authorities, and any third parties, including the Bucharest Stock Exchange, the Financial Supervisory Authority, the Central Depository, the Trade Registry in order to carry out the resolutions taken in the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders, to publish and register them wherever necessary.

The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).



  1. Establishing the date of 15 February 2017 as registration date for the identification of the shareholders on which the effects of the resolution of the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders apply, according to Article 238 of Law no. 297/2004, and the date of 14 February 2017 as ex-date. Whereas there is no proposed resolution that would imply payments towards the shareholders, the shareholders do not decide with respect to the payment date, as defined by article 2 letter g of Regulation no. 6/2009.


The decision was adopted unanimously by the present persons, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital).


  1. Alternatively to pt. 11, the approval of the Company’s share capital increase with share premium with a maximum amount of 18,013,343.2 RON, out of which share capital 5,736,733.5  RON and share premium 12,276,609.7 RON. The share capital increase shall be performed by issuing a maximum number of 57,367,335 nominative ordinary shares in dematerialized form at the price of RON 0.314/ share. The share capital increase shall be performed from 10,001,205.4 RON to maximum 15,737,938.7 for the Company’s net assets correction. The difference between the issue price and the nominal value (in this case 12,276,609.7 RON) will be the share premium and will be shown separately in the company's reserves. The shares shall be distributed for subscription as follows:


-         38,695,117 shares for a total price of of RON 12,150,000 shall be offered for subscription to the majority shareholder SGB SMIT International GMBH by swap into equity of the certain, liquid and due receivables held against the Company, having a value of RON 12,150,000 (the equivalent of EUR 2,700,000 by using an exchange rate of 1 EUR/ 4.5 RON);


-         The rest of maximum 18,672,218 new shares in total amount of RON 5,863,076.45 are offered for subscription to the other existing shareholders, based on their preference right, against contributions in cash.

The period for exercising the preference right in view of maintaining the proportion held by each shareholder in the Company’s share capital is of 31 calendar days and shall commence on the date established under the prospectus, prepared in accordance with Regulation 1/2006, subsequent to the publication date with the Official Gazette of the resolution of the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders.

All preference right holders shall pay the full price of the new shares in accordance with the applicable law. All shares which are not entirely subscribed or paid by the shareholders upon expiry of the term for exercising the preference right shall be annulled, without being made available to the public.

The total number of preference rights equals the number of shares registered in the Company’s Shareholders Registry kept by the Central Depository SA as of the registration date. In order to acquire a new share it is necessary to have a certain number of preference rights, computed by dividing the number of existing shares to the maximum number of new shares available for issuance (1.74336). It is proposed that the preference right are prohibited from being traded. Each shareholder can subscribe new shares within the limit of his preference right taking into account also the maximum value of the share capital increase to be decided in the General Extraordinary Meeting of the Shareholders.


The subscription of new shares shall occur at the price of 0.314 RON and the issuance of new shares shall occur at the nominal value of 0.1 RON. In case the resulting value of the number of new shares to which a holder of preference rights is entitled is a decimal number, the number of the new shares which shall be subscribed shall be determined by the positive or negative adjustment up to the closest aggregate number.


Should an exception from the issuance of the prospectus apply, the Board of Directors is hereby empowered to establish and make public the subscription period, which will last 31 calendar days in accordance with the law.



The proposal was rejected, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: In favour: 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights; Against: 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515%  of the total number of voting rights and 73.4892% of the casted votes; and  Retained: 0 votes representing 0%  of the total number of voting rights.


  1. The approval for the Board of Directors to contract the services of an independent valuator authorized by the ASF in order to compute the net active of the Company and the price per share as such.


The proposal was rejected, being expressed a total of 91,795,272 valid votes representing 91,795,272 shares of the Company (91.7842% of total number of voting rights and of the share capital) which voted as follows: In favour: 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights 24,335,659 votes representing 24.3327%  of the total number of voting rights; Against: 67,459,613 votes representing 67.4515%  of the total number of voting rights and 73.4892% of the casted votes; and Retained: 0 votes representing 0%  of the total number of voting rights.


Prezenta hotarare a fost redactata si semnata in limbile romana si engleza, astazi, 30 ianuarie 2017, la sediul Societatii.

This resolution was drafted and executed in Romanian and English languages, today 30 January 2017, at the Company’s headquarters.


Presedintele Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor

Heinrich Uekermann



President of the General Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders

Heinrich Uekermann _____________________


Marin Stancu




Marin Stancu



Secretar tehnic

Alina Stefanuta


Technical Secretary

Alina Stefanuta





Informatii furnizate prin IRIS, platforma de stiri a Bursei de Valori Bucuresti.


Bursa de Valori Bucuresti ("BVB") nu este responsabila de continutul acestui Raport. Emitentii ale caror instrumente financiare sunt tranzactionate pe pietele administrate de catre BVB au obligatia de a intocmi Rapoarte in conformitate cu prevederile legale si regulamentare incidente. BVB publica aceste Rapoarte in calitate de administrator al acestor piete, desemnat de catre ASF. In situatia in care, pentru informarea corespunzatoare a investitorilor, sunt publicate Rapoarte semnate de persoane diferite, sau cu informatii divergente, responsabilitatea juridica revine in totalitate semnatarilor respectivelor Rapoarte. BVB isi declina orice obligatie sau raspundere fata de emitenti sau terte parti, cu privire la realitatea, integralitatea si exactitatea informatiilor furnizate de catre acestia si distribuite de catre BVB. Utilizatorii website-ului au responsabilitatea de a verifica continutul rapoartelor. Orice raport (inclusiv orice prospect) care se adreseaza exclusiv unor persoane/tari specificate in acesta nu trebuie luate in considerare de catre persoanele / in tarile excluse. Termenii si conditiile, inclusiv restrictiile de utilizare si redistributie se aplica.

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