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Press releases

A new Romanian company Transport Trade Services TTS will join the FTSE Russell Emerging Markets indices from September



  • The global index provider FTSE Russell released on Friday, 23 August, the indicative results of their semi-annual review that will become effective starting September 2024.
  • The shares of the Transport Trade Services (TTS) company will be included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices, as a Small Cap.
  • Thus, as of September, Romania will have 9 companies included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices.


On Friday, 23 August, global index provider FTSE Russell made public the announcement of their semi-annual review indicative results that will become effective as of 23 September 2024. According to the announcement available at this LINK, the shares of the Transport Trade Services goods carrier (ticker symbol TTS), a company listed on the stock exchange since July 2021, with a market capitalization now reaching RON 1.45 billion and the company with the highest return from the BET-XT index last year, will be included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices.

“TTS shares' inclusion in the FTSE Global All Cap indices validates our capital market strategy, which is based on targeting liquidity and adapting our communication efforts to the needs of the market participants, and is focused on the key factors determining the quality of a stock: trust in the company and the market liquidity. The results came promptly. Between July 2023 and June 2024, the total value of transactions with TTS shares exceeded RON 427 million, a spectacular increase in liquidity that triggered, at first, the inclusion of TTS shares in the MSCI Frontier and MSCI Romania indices (which include only Mid Cap and Large Cap companies). And today we are happy to learn that TTS shares will be included in the FTSE Global All Cap indices starting in September. Two years ago, investors were often telling us: «We like TTS, but the shares lack liquidity ». We listened, and today we hope investors are satisfied with what we have achieved.”, declared Gabriel ?echera, Corporate Governance & IR Director at TTS.

Thus, Romania will be represented in the the FTSE Global All Cap indices with 9 companies: Banca Transilvania (TLV), Electrica (EL), Hidroelectrica (H2O), MedLife (M), Nuclearelectrica (SNN), OMV Petrom (SNP), One United Properties (ONE), Teraplast (TRP) and TTS (TTS).

“The sectors present in the FTSE Russel indices dedicated to Emerging Markets are further diversified by the inclusion of the shares of the TTS goods carrier in these indices. Such diversification, offered by the Romanian companies included in the indices, will further sustain interest from investors abroad in the companies listed on the local stock market. Thus, the notable performances recorded by BVB, to which those of the listed companies are added, contribute to the constant reconfirmation of the local capital market on the international level.” Radu Hanga, President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

“TTS will soon join the club of Romanian companies from various business sectors that are representative for the Romanian economy and that are included the FTSE Russell Emerging Markets indices, as a proof of the sustained TTS efforts to increase their share liquidity. For BVB in particular, and for the capital market in general, this new inclusion proves once again the attractiveness of the Romanian market for global international investors. Of course, we would like to see an increase in the number of companies listed on the stock exchange that are included in international indices, and the perspectives provided by our ongoing projects may bring about the expected results.” Adrian Tanase, CEO of Bucharest Stock Exchange.

In the FTSE Global Micro Cap indices, Romania will be present from September with Bucharest Stock Exchange  (BVB) and Purcari Wineries (WINE). The shares of Bittnet Systems (BNET) will be excluded from these indices, as the company's free float market capitalization sits below the minimum required threshold of the FTSE Global Micro Cap indices. Also, the shares of Aquila Part Prod Com (AQ), AROBS Transilvania Software (AROBS), Conpet (COTE) and Sphera Franchise Group (SFG) will be excluded from the FTSE Global Micro Cap indices as their market capitalization now exceeds the maximum allowed threshold of the FTSE Global Micro Cap indices, as determined at the current review. This means that there are prospects that their shares will be included in a higher size category in the future.

The development of Romania’s capital market was recognised internationally by FTSE Russell, a global index provider, and in 2020, Romania was upgraded to the Emerging Market status, thereby opening the way for the capital market to a much wider investment universe. The consolidation of the Emerging Market status, by growing the number of companies included in such indices, is one of the main goals of BVB, as it will contribute to attracting substantial funds to the listed companies and, implicitly, to the Romanian economy.

At the same time, as of 2 September 2024, Romania will be present in the indices of global index provider MSCI, MSCI Frontier IMI, MSCI Romania IMI, MSCI Frontier and MSCI Romania, with 32 companies, which means 10 more companies than last year.