Tuesday | October 08, 2024 |
Market Status: CLOSED

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Remus Danila

Head of IR and Business Development

Stefan Musgociu

Business Development and Marketing Specialist

Ana-Maria Neatu

Public Relations Specialist

Email: antreprenori@bvb.ro

Phone: (+40) (21) 307 95 00


Listing on the stock market may seem like a complicated process, though it should not be seen as such. Considering the increased interest shown by the Romanian entrepreneurs, Bucharest Stock Exchange has prepared infographic campaign that can help entrepreneurs better understand the motivations behind the decision to list, steps that need to be undertaken during an IPO and other useful topics.

If you have any further questions regarding the information below, please contact us at: antreprenori@bvb.ro

The infographics are available only in Romanian.

Top 10 reasons to list your company on the stock exchange

Globally, listing on the stock exchange is one of the most sophisticated ways of attracting company financing. What are the main reasons companies decide to go public? It’s not all about the money! Find out from our infographic.

Listing Myths

Capital markets seem like a fascinating domain, but how much of what we see in movies is true and how many things are actual misconceptions? In this guide, we are talking about the biggest myths behind what it means to be a listed company.

The IPO, step by step

IPO or Initial Public Offering is one of the most popular listing methods, which is not necessarily complex, but surely needs an involvement of several actors. In order to facilitate understanding of this process, in the following infographic, we present the steps of an IPO.

The cost of listing

The question that is always on an entrepreneur’s mind: what are the costs? Probably not as big as you would have imagined! Find out how much it costs to attract 50 million lei on Main Market or 1 million lei on AeRO with the help of our infographics!

The Stock Exchange and Listing - Glossary for Entrepreneurs

We want to show you that the capital market is a dynamic, fascinating and easy to understand place, if you have the necessary tools. This infographic is an overview of the key terms that have to enter any ambitious entrepreneur’s dictionary.

Life after Listing: How does the Bucharest Stock Exchange support the listed companies

The first trading day usually marks the beginning of a new life for the company. Bucharest Stock Exchange is determined to contribute to every single company’s success story through constant dialogue and support provided. In this infographic you can find out how the Bucharest Stock Exchange supports companies post-listing.