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Press releases

As of today the main index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange BET includes two new companies Antibiotice and Premier Energy


As of today, 23 September, the BET index, as the main index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), will have two new companies. These are Antibiotice Iasi (ATB) and Premier Energy (PE).

With a rich history and experience in the production of drugs, for over seven decades, Antibiotice is the main Romanian producer of generic drugs and is a company present on the capital market for over 27 years, its development being closely related to its path on BVB, considering that it is one of the first companies listed on the stock exchange. On the other hand, Premier Energy, an electricity producer, balancer, distributor and supplier and natural gas supplier and distributor, has been listed on BVB this May, following the largest IPO made by a Romanian entrepreneurial company in the past 5 years.

“The presence of Antibiotice in the BET index is an important moment for our company and we are proud to be part of the first 20 companies considered the most performing in the Romanian capital market. The significant improvement in revenues, a record profit registered in 2023, the consolidated business partnerships in more than 70 countries around the world, along with the robust investments financed both from our own sources and from non-refundable funds are important milestones that show us that our business plan «The Future Together» have placed us on an upward trajectory of sustainable development. In the last year, the value of the Antibiotice share increased multiplying almost 3 times, being one of the most performant shares on BVB. The accelerated development on the stock market comes on the back of investment plans in the perspective of 2030 and financial data recorded in 2023. We aim to continue to maintain the attention and confidence of investors through responsible business practices, transparency, ethics and integrity that lead to a significant and sustainable growth of the Antibiotice business, with a positive and lasting impact on all our stakeholders.", said Ioan Nani, CEO Antibiotice.

"We are honored by Premier Energy Group’s inclusion in the BET index of the Bucharest Stock Exchange. Our decision to list on the Bucharest Stock Exchange was a strategic choice, propelled by the strong, positive long-term growth prospects of the energy sector and the Romanian economy. The BET index inclusion, delivered in line with the commitment we made to our investors during the IPO, reflects both the solid performance of our stock to date and the future potential we aim to unlock. It also recognizes the efforts of our management and the results we have delivered.  As the first private-sector energy company to join the index, this is an important milestone, and we see it as part of our broader goal to further enhance the visibility and transparency of the Romanian capital market. With our strong, diversified, and vertically integrated business model, we believe we bring valuable representation to the index. Looking ahead, capital markets remain a key element of our growth strategy, and we thank all the shareholders who have so far trusted in our vision,” said Jose Garza, CEO of Premier Energy Group.

With their inclusion in the BET index, the two companies are also included in the gross and net total efficiency variants of this index, namely in the BET-TR and BET-TRN indices.

Today, Premier Energy has also been included in the BET-XT, BET-XT-TR, BET-XT-TRN, BET-BK, BET-NG and BET Plus indices, after being included in the BET-EF index ever since its launch this year.

Antibiotice is also included in the BET-XT, BET-XT-TR, BET-XT-TRN, BET-BK and BET Plus indices.

“Congratulations to Antibiotice and Premier Energy for their inclusion in the BET index! This achievement is proof of the sustained efforts of the teams of these companies and of the trust the investors have in their future, which has led to the increase in liquidity and the value of the companies. Such changes to the BET index outline the performance of the newly entered companies in terms of liquidity and trend in the free float capitalization, which was better than the trend of the companies they replaced in the index. The performance of Antibiotice and Premier Energy has drawn the attention of local and international investors and, moreover, proves that the success of the listed companies attracts new investors and fosters the development of the capital market.”, stated Radu Hanga, the BVB Chairman.

"The investability of the indices we manage is an essential element for any investor active on the local market, be it institutional or retail investor. By including Antibiotice and Premier Energy companies in the main market index, we believe that the index will become more attractive, especially for fund managers, but also that it can be a better underlying asset for the BET futures contract that we want to launch next year future. We congratulate Antibiotice and Premier Energy for this inclusion and we hope that with these developments, also the extended indices we manage, BET-XT or BET-BK, will become increasingly important and more followed by investors.", stated Adrian Tanase, CEO of the Bucharest Stock Exchange.

The updates are made in the context of the quarterly review of the BVB indices. The quarterly meeting of the BVB Indices Board took place on 5 September. The decisions made at this meeting, targeting the revision of the composition of BVB indices, can be found here.


About the BET index

BET (Bucharest Exchange Trading index) is the first index developed by BVB and includes the most liquid and significant-sized companies listed on the Regulated Market of the local stock exchange. The BET index is also available in the gross total efficiency variant, by means of the BET-TR index, and in the net total efficiency variant, by means of the BET-TRN index, measuring both price performance and performance achieved through reinvesting the dividends offered by the companies forming the main index of the BVB. Launched on 19 September 1997, BET included a maximum number of 10 companies for almost two decades. In March 2017, it was extended to 12 companies with the inclusion of Conpet and MedLife. Mid-year 2017, BET was extended to 13 companies with the inclusion of DIGI Communications N.V. In September 2018, other two companies joined the index: Shera Franchise Group and Purcari Wineries. In March 2019, the index was expanded to 16 companies with the inclusion of ALRO. In March 2020, the BET index was extended to 17 companies with the inclusion of TeraPlast. In September 2021, the BET index reached 19 companies with the inclusion of One United Properties and Transport Trade Services. In March 2022, with the inclusion of Aquila, the BET index reached 20 companies for the first time. In July 2023, the index stayed at 20 companies, which is the maximum number of companies in the index, as Hidroelectrica replaced ALRO.    

As from 23 September 2024, the 20 companies in the BET, BET-TR and BET-TRN indices are: Antiobiotice (ATB), Aquila Part Prod Com (AQ), Banca Transilvania (TLV), BRD - Groupe Societe Generale (BRD), DIGI Communications (DIGI), Electrica (EL), Fondul Proprietatea (FP), Hidroelectrica (H2O), MedLife (M), OMV Petrom (SNP), Nuclearelectrica (SNN), One United Properties (ONE), Premier Energy (PE), Purcari Wineries (WINE), Romgaz (SNG), Sphera Franchise Group (SFG), TeraPlast (TRP), Transgaz (TGN), Transelectrica (TEL) and Transport Trade Services (TTS).

The companies included in the BET index and in the other indices managed by the BVB are available on the BVB website, in the indices section, which can be found at this link.