Tuesday | October 08, 2024 |
Market Status: CLOSED

Press releases

The representation of the Romanian equity market in the MSCI indices increases - Premier Energy Electromagnetica and Iproeb Bistrita will be included in the MSCI indices from September 2


The shares of three companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange will be included in the MSCI Frontier and MSCI Romania indices: Premier Energy, Electromagnetica and Iproeb Bistrita. Romania's equity market presence in the MSCI indices will increase to 32 companies, starting on September 2, 2024, following the quarterly index review conducted by global index provider MSCI in August this year.

Premier Energy (PE), listed at the end of May on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, will be included in the MSCI Frontier and MSCI Romania indices, which only include Mid Cap and Large Cap companies. Electromagnetica (ELMA) and Iproeb Bistrita (IPRU) will be included in the MSCI Frontier IMI and MSCI Romania IMI indices, which include Small Cap, Mid Cap and Large Cap companies. At the same time, the global index provider decided to exclude Antibiotice (ATB) from the MSCI Frontier IMI and MSCI Romania IMI indices.

MSCI is one of the leading providers of global benchmark indices. Romania is currently classified by MSCI as a Frontier Market.

In the MSCI Frontier Markets indices, Romania will be represented starting with September 2, 2024, by 32 listed companies: Alro (ALR), Banca Transilvania (TLV), BRD Groupe Societe Generale (BRD), Conpet (COTE), COMPA (CMP), Digi Communications (DIGI), DN Agrar Group (DN), Hidroelectrica (H2O), IAR SA Bra?ov (IARV), Impact Developer and Contractor (IMP) Nuclearelectrica (SNN), OMV Petrom (SNP), Romgaz (SNG), Electrica (EL), MedLife (M), One United Properties (ONE), Teraplast (TRP), Transelectrica (TEL), Transgaz (TGN), TTS Transport Trade Services (TTS), Arobs Transilvania Software (AROBS), Bittnet Systems (BNET), Bursa de Valori Bucure?ti (BVB), Prospectiuni (PRSN), Purcari Wineries (WINE), Safetech Innovations (SAFE), Simtel Team (SMTL), Sphera Franchise Group (SFG), 2B Intelligent Soft (BENTO), Premier Energy (PE), Electromagnetica (ELMA) and Iproeb Bistrita (IPRU).

On the other hand, Romania is classified as an Emerging Market by the global indices provider FTSE Russell, being represented by 15 companies: AROBS Transilvania Software, Banca Transilvania, Electrica, Hidroelectrica, MedLife, Nuclearelectrica, OMV Petrom, One United Properties, Teraplast, Aquila Part Prod, Bittnet Systems, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, Conpet, Purcari Wineries, Sphera Franchise Group.

The changes from the August 2024 quarterly index review conducted by the global index provider MSCI can be found HERE (MSCI Frontier) and HERE (MSCI Frontier IMI).