Tuesday | October 08, 2024 |
Market Status: CLOSED

Bine ai venit!
Iti multumim pentru interesul acordat si te invitam sa parcurgi randurile de mai jos pentru a vedea daca profilul pe care il cautam ti se potriveste si am putea incepe o colaborare.

Echipa de administrare a sistemului informatic al Bursei de Valori Bucuresti doreste sa se extinda si sa construiasca o echipa puternica pentru a sprijini proiectele noi si cele existente, iar tu ai putea fi una dintre componentele sale cheie.

Te intrebi ce cunostinte ar trebui sa detii?

  • Absolvent de studii superioare in domeniul tehnic (Telecomunicatii si Tehnologia Informatiei / Automatica si Calculatoare / Electronica / Cibernetica-statistica si informatica economica / studii similare);
  • Experienta in instalare, configurare si administrare sisteme si echipamente de comunicatii electronice, retele informatice – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta operare cu sisteme Cisco, Fortinet, Linux, Windows Server – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta de operare si configurare cu echipamente tip switch, routere, firewall (NGFW/UTM), filtre securitate (e-mail, web etc.) – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta cu sisteme de securizare si protectie a retelelor informatice – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta cu sisteme de monitorizare retele electronice – nivel mediu;
  • Experinta in monitorizarea, identificarea si rezolvarea rapida a incidentelor de retea si de securitate informatica – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta in rapoarte si documentare tehnica, lucru cu proceduri – nivel mediu;
  • Experienta administrare AD, virtualizare – nivel mediu.

Te intrebi ce presupune acest job?

  • Instalare, configurare si administrare retele electronice, echipamente comunicatii electronice si asigurare suport NOC HelpDesk;
  • Instalare, configurare, administrare si monitorizare sisteme si echipamente de securitate pentru retele electronice;
  • Monitorizare loguri sisteme retele si raspuns la incidente;
  • Instalare, intretinere si operare echipamente in Data Center precum si facilitati aferente;
  • Asigurare rapoarte si documentatii tehnice;
  • Asistenta administrare si monitorizare servere aplicatii de monitorizare, virtualizare, AD, etc.

Te intrebi ce abilitati si calitati ar trebui sa detii?

  • Bune abilitati de organizare, analiza si sinteza;
  • Gandire logica;
  • Capacitatea de adaptare si lucru in echipa;
  • Capacitate de analiza, evaluare, corelare si sinteza a informatiilor;
  • Spirit de observatie;
  • Rigurozitate in indeplinirea sarcinilor de serviciu, comportament profesional, integritate si buna reputatie;

Te intrebi ce beneficii ti-ar putea oferi Bursa de Valori Bucuresti?

  • Plan de alocare actiuni gratuite BVB (Stock Option Plan), in functie de performanta anuala;
  • Tichete de masa si Tichete de vacanta;
  • Facilitati sportive si medicale decontate, in limita unui buget anual pentru fiecare angajat;
  • Contributia BVB la Pensia facultativa - Fond NN Pensii;
  • Abonament medical la clinica privata/ Asigurare medicala;
  • Zile de concediu de odihna suplimentare in functie de vechimea in munca si in cadrul BVB.
  • Zile libere platite pentru evenimente deosebite in familie;
  • Program fidelizare cu ocazia implinirii a cate 5 ani de activitate in cadrul BVB.
  • Cursuri pentru pregatire profesionala si dezvoltare personala;
  • Abonament la Bookster.ro;
  • Telefon mobil si laptop;
  • Fructe si cafea la birou;
  • Team-building-uri;
  • Acces la Programul 7card;
  • Participare la competitii sportive, inclusiv Competitia Sportiva a burselor din regiune.

Astfel, daca acest profil ti se potriveste si vrei sa ne cunosti, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti te invita sa aplici cu incredere pentru postul de Inginer de retea.

Despre noi

Bursa de Valori Bucuresti este job-ul ideal pentru tine daca ai pregatire si experienta profesionala in domenii precum IT, financiar, juridic, marketing, relatii publice.

Te vrem in echipa pentru ca ne asteapta un drum plin de provocari, pe care le putem infrunta cu determinare si talent, creativitate, motivatie si, mai ales, spirit de echipa. Recent, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti a fost promovata la statutul de Piata Emergenta, dupa un proces de modernizare a pietei locale de capital.

Noi, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, suntem cea mai importanta institutie a pietei de capital din Romania. Principalul rol al bursei este acela de sustinere a dezvoltarii companiilor si, implicit, a economiei Romaniei si de a creste bunastarea romanilor care investesc pe termen lung in companiile prezente la bursa. Astfel, Bursa de Valori Bucuresti faciliteaza fluxul de bani dinspre investitori, cei care au capitalul, catre antreprenorii care au nevoie de capital pentru dezvoltare.

Așadar, nu mai aștepta, vino în echipa noastră și fii unul dintre cei care scriu istoria bursei moderne din România!

Thank you for your interest, and we invite you to read the lines below to see if the profile we are looking for suits you and if we could start a collaboration.

The team at the Bucharest Stock Exchange wants to expand and build a strong team to support new and existing projects, and you could be one of its key components.

What you’ll be doing

  • Perform quantitative analysis to assist in the management and administration of the Bucharest Stock Exchanges’s (BVB) stock market indices;
  • Ensure data quality of the BVB indices in accordance with the BVB indices methodologies;
  • Participate in conducting the operational and periodic adjustments of the BVB indices in accordance with the indices methodologies and schedules;
  • Monitor market news as well as corporate events and prepare the necessary adjustments of the indices in relation to the assessed impact and in accordance with the indices methodologies;
  • Perform research and analysis to support decisions aimed at growing the exchange’s indices business and at optimizing the indices management workflow;
  • Prepare indices performance reports, factsheets, presentations, as well as other relevant documentation;
  • Assist in responding to clients and stakeholder inquiries regarding market data and indices;
  • Participate in the process of expanding the existing clients’ base as well as in developing new products and services;
  • Stay up to date with the market trends, regulatory changes, and industry best practices.

What you'll need

  • A bachelor’s degree in finance and business from an accredited university (Academy of Economic Studies or similar);
  • Passing of any CFA level represents a plus;
  • 1 to 2 years of experience in financial analysis or a related field, preferably within the capital markets or financial services industries;
  • Good understanding of financial markets, stock indices, and related financial instruments;
  • Analytical profile with strong quantitative and presentation skills and a keen attention to details;
  • Good problem-solving skills and the ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines;
  • Collaborative team-oriented player that actively contributes to the achievement of the individual and group results;
  • Proven record for successful execution of complex tasks in previous roles;
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Excel and the Microsoft Office suite;
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, in Romanian and English.

What we’ll offer to you

  • Stock Option Plan depending on the annual performance;
  • Meal vouchers and holiday vouchers;
  • Reimbursed sports and medical facilities within the limit of an annual budget for each employee;
  • BVB contribution to the Optional Pension - NN Pensions Fund;
  • Medical subscription to private clinic / Medical insurance;
  • Additional vacation days;
  • Paid days off for special family events;
  • Loyalty program on the occasion of 5 years of activity in the company;
  • Courses for professional training and personal development;
  • Subscription to Bookster.ro;
  • Mobile phone and laptop;
  • Fruits and coffee at the office;
  • Team-buildings;
  • Access to the 7card Program.

Thus, if this profile suits you and you want to get to know us, the Bucharest Stock Exchange invites you to confidently apply for the position of Junior Financial Analyst.

About us

The Bucharest Stock Exchange is the ideal job for you if you have training and professional experience in fields such as IT, finance, law, marketing, public relations.

We want you in the team because we are facing a path full of challenges, which we can confront with determination and talent, creativity, motivation, and especially team spirit. Recently, the Bucharest Stock Exchange has been promoted to Emerging Market status, after a process of modernizing the local capital market.

We, the Bucharest Stock Exchange, are the most important institution of the capital market in Romania. The main role of the stock exchange is to support the development of companies and, implicitly, the Romanian economy and to increase the well-being of Romanians who invest long-term in the companies listed on the stock exchange. Thus, the Bucharest Stock Exchange facilitates the flow of money from investors, those who have the capital, to entrepreneurs who need capital for development.

So, don't wait any longer, join our team and be one of those who write the history of the modern stock exchange in Romania!