sâmbătă | 11 mai, 2024 |
Starea pietei: INCHISA

Stiri Piata

DN Agrar Group - DN

Erata Convocator AGAE 12/13.03.2024

Data Publicare: 09.02.2024 18:11:32


Nr. Inreg. 53/09.02.2024



Bursa de Valori Bucuresti

Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara





Intocmit in conformitate cu Legea nr. 24/2017 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata (republicata) si Regulamentul ASF nr. 5/2018 privind emitentii de instrumente financiare si operatiuni de piata.


Data raportului:


Denumirea entitatii emitente:


Sediul social:

Alba-Iulia, Piata Iuliu Maniu, nr. 1, bl. 31DE, Judetul Alba



Numar de telefon/ fax:

0258.818.114, 0258.818.115



Nr. inregistrare la ONRC:


Cod unic de inregistrare:


Capital social subscris si varsat:

31.818.844,80 lei

Numar de actiuni:




Piata de tranzactionare:

MTS AeRO Premium


Evenimente importante de raportat: Eroare materiala Convocator AGEA din 12.03.2024


DN AGRAR GROUP S.A. (emitentul) informeaza piata ca, in cadrul convocatorului Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor (AGEA) din data de 12.03.2024, a fost determinata  urmatoarea eroare materiala:

1.    Valoarea nominala totala a capitalului social al DN AGRAR APOLD, a fost notata eronat, in cadrul punctelor de mai jos, din Convocator:

- In cadrul Punctului 5, subpunctul y, avand urmatorul continut:

”Ipoteca mobiliara

-asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.676 (sasemilioaneunasutadouazecisioptmiitreisutesaptezeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate

- asupra unui numar de 460.100 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, reprezentand 100% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 4.601.000 (patrumilioanesasesuteunumii lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate”


Care va avea urmatorul continut corect, dupa cum urmeaza:

Ipoteca mobiliara 

-asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.680 (sasemilioanetreisutesaizecisidouademiisasesuteoptzeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate

- asupra unui numar de 460.100 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, reprezentand 100% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 4.601.000 (patrumilioanesasesuteunumii lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate”


-               In cadrul Punctului 9, subpunctul 17, avand urmatorul continut: ipoteca mobiliara asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.676 (sasemilioaneunasutadouazecisioptmiitreisutesaptezeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate in baza Contractului de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/05 incheiat intre DN AGRAR GROUP SA si ING BANK;”

Care va avea urmatorul continut corect, dupa cum urmeaza:

” ipoteca mobiliara asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.680 (sasemilioanetreisutesaizecisidouademiisasesuteoptzeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate in baza Contractului de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/05 incheiat intre DN AGRAR GROUP SA si ING BANK;”


Redam mai jos ordinea de zi a Convocatorului Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor pentru data de 12 martie 2024, in forma in care a fost publicat in Monitorul Oficial.

Jan Gijsbertus de Boer

Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie


Convocatorul Adunarii Generale Extraordinare a Actionarilor



Dl. Jan Gijsbertus de BOER, Presedinte al Consiliului de Administratie al DN AGRAR GROUP S.A., societate pe actiuni de tip deschis, infiintata si functionand conform legislatiei romane, cu sediul social in Alba Iulia, jud. Alba, Str. P-ta Iuliu Maniu nr. 1, bloc 31DE, avand numar de ordine in registrul comertului J1/730/2008, EUID ROONRC.J01/730/2008, cod unic de inregistrare 24020501, atribut fiscal RO, capital social subscris si varsat 31.818.844,8 lei (denumita in cele ce urmeaza „Societatea”), in conformitate cu Decizia Consiliului de Administratie nr. 8 din 07.02.2024, si prevederile Actului Constitutiv al Societatii valabil la data convocarii, precum si ale art. 117 din Legea societatilor nr. 31/1990, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare,




Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor (denumita in cele ce urmeaza “AGEA”), in data de 12.03.2024, ora 10:00, la punctul de lucru al  Societatii  - Municipiul Alba Iulia, Piata Iuliu Maniu, Bloc 31D, Parter, Judet Alba, pentru toti actionarii inregistrati la sfarsitul zilei de 28.02.2024 considerata Data de Referinta, in Registrul Actionarilor tinut de Depozitarul Central S.A., iar, in cazul neindeplinirii conditiilor statutare sau a oricaror altor conditii de validitate, AGEA se va tine in data de 13.03.2024, ora 10:00, in acelasi loc, pentru toti actionarii inregistrati in Registrul Actionarilor la aceeasi Data de Referinta, cu urmatoarea










  1. Aprobarea garantarii de catre DN AGRAR GROUP SA, in calitate de fidejusor, a tuturor obligatiilor financiare (credite existente, dobanzi, penalitati, alte costuri), decurgand din contractele de credite existente incheiate de catre DN AGRAR CUT S.R.L. (J01/680/2008, CUI 23962357) in relatia cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A., respectiv garantarea:


-liniei de credit in valoare de 1,2 milioane EUR, cu data scadenta in 13.03.2025,

-creditului de investitii in sold de 1,97 milioane EUR, cu scadenta in 19.03.2029, avand ca obiect finantare proiectului investitii  – Construire adaposturi animale deschise, laguna dejectii, amenajare sala de muls, platforme betonate si imprejmuire partial, achizitii echipamente, si rambursarea in rate lunare egale .

  1. Aprobarea garantarii de catre DN AGRAR GROUP SA, in calitate de fidejusor, a tuturor obligatiilor financiare (credite existente, dobanzi, penalitati, alte costuri), decurgand din contractele de credite existente incheiate de catre DN AGRAR SERVICE S.R.L. (J1/220/2009, CUI 25294858), in relatia cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A., respectiv garantarea:

-creditului de investitii in sold de 0,83 milioane EUR, avand scadenta finala in 27.08.2027, avand ca obiect finantare proiect de investitii - „construire siloz, capacitati de stocare, hala agrozootehnica si imprejmuire”, si rambursare in Rate lunare egale,


  1. Aprobarea contractarii de catre DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L. (J1/689/2008, CUI 23971851) de la Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. a unui  creditului de investitii avand ca obiect refinantare sold credit acordat de ING BANK  in baza contractului de credit 1484 / 11.03.2022 ( soldul  de 4.189.900,02 EUR la data de 16.01.2024) cu scadenta finala in 26.03.2029 si rambursarea in rate lunare egale,

Aprobarea garantarii de catre DN AGRAR GROUP SA, in calitate de fidejusor, a tuturor obligatiilor financiare (credite existente, dobanzi, penalitati, alte costuri) decurgand din contractele de credite pe care DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L.(J1/689/2008, CUI 23971851) le va incheia cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A.

  1. Aprobarea contractarii de catre DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL (J01/53/2012, CUI 29591860) de la Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. a unui credit de:

- investitii in valoare de 9,27 milioane EUR, pe o durata de 120 luni avand ca obiect infiintare ferma vaci DN Agrar Straja S.R.L. in localitatea Berghin

- trezorerie in valoare de 1,00 mil. EUR pe termen de 24 luni

Aprobarea garantarii de catre Societate, in calitate de fidejusor, a tuturor obligatiilor financiare (credite existente, dobanzi, penalitati, alte costuri) decurgand din contractele de credite pe care DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL (J01/53/2012, CUI 29591860) le va incheia cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. respectiv a:

-creditului de investitii valoare de 9,27 milioane EUR, pe o durata de 120 luni avand ca obiect infiintare ferma vaci DN Agrar Straja S.R.L. in localitatea Berghin

-creditului de trezorerie in valoare de 1,00 mil. EUR pe termen de 24 luni

Coplatitori pentru creditele care se vor acorda catre DN AGRAR STRAJA S.R.L. sunt DN Agrar Cut S.R.L., DN Agrar Service S.R.L. si DN Agrar Apold S.R.L.

Toate facilitatile de credit mentionate la punctele 1-4 vor fi denumite “Contracte cu Exim Banca Romaneasca SA.



5.Aprobarea structurii de garantii comune constituite conform contractului  intercreditor care se va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL pentru  garantarea facilitatilor acordate de Exim Banca Romaneasca SA



Ipoteca imobiliara asupra:


Ipoteca imobiliara asupra teren :

1.intravilan inscris in CF: 74673, 74674,74676 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT SRL si 74687 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE

2.extravilan inscris in CF : 74675,

74688, 77854, 77855 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT, astfel cum va fi  prevazut in contractul intercreditor  incheiat intre ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL



- constructii intabulate conform CF 74676 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT si CF 74687 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE. Constructiile sunt realizate atat pe CF nr. 74676 Calnic, proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT cat si pe CF nr. 74687 Calnic, proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE:


-74676-C1 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

-74676-C2 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

-74676-C3 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

-74676-C4 laguna dejectii CF 74676,

-74687-C6 adaposturi deschise CF 74687,

-74687-C7 adaposturi deschise CF 74687,

-74687-C8 adaposturi deschise CF 74687. astfel cum va fi  prevazut in contractul intercreditor  care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara

Ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR CUT asupra activelor biologice productive fixe, prezente si viitoare, constand in vaci de lapte, proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT SRL, inregistrate in contul contabil 217, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde Imprumutatul isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile Bancii; cesiunea, in favoarea Bancii, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra activelor biologice productive, mentionate mai sus, ipotecate in favoarea Bancii


Ipoteca mobiliara :

 instalatii sala de muls - Milking stable - Dairy master / Europe Dairy Systems nr. Inventar 3096 si Chiller / Muller C210/P19105-1 nr. Inventar 2407, 3 tractoare New Holland T6.180 nr. Inventar 1990, 1991, 1992, 2 incarcatoare New Holland TL760 nr. Inventar 1993,1994, remorca furaje nr. Inventar 2069, proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra: echipamente de grajd achizitionate de la Leuteritz Anlagenbau GmbH  conform facturilor finale numarul 17-RE00598/26.07.2017 si 17-RE00597/26.07.2017,,echipamente de grajd si instalatii pentru incalzire si pentru stocarea apei in ferma, incorporate in constructie proprietatea DN Agrar Cut SRL


Fideiusiune incheiata cu DN Agrar Group SA, DN Agrar Service, DN Agrar Prodlact, DN Agrar Straja, DN Agrar Cut


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra creantelor provenite din contractele de vanzare a productiei de lapte ce se vor incheia de DN AGRAR CUT SRL in cursul desfasurarii activitatii, pe masura incheierii acestora


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra universalitatii creantelor provenite din contractele incheiate de DN AGRAR CUT SRL in cursul desfasurarii activitatii, pe masura incheierii acestora


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra conturilor curente, in RON si valuta, prezente si viitoare, deschise de DN Agrar Cut la Exim Banca Romaneasca SA


Ipoteca imobiliara asupra teren in suprafata de 60.900 mp inscris in CF 74687  Calnic jud Alba si constructii: silozuri C1, casa poarta C2, depozit cereale C3 inscrise in CF 74687 Calnic jud. Alba, proprietatea DN Agrar Service SRL, astfel cum va fi prevazut in contractul intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra echipamente: -cantar auto nr. Inventar 242 (sistema electronic de cantarire autovehicule);

- sonda prelevare cereale(Rakoraf) nr. Inventar 218;

- 8 remorci monococa 16T nr. Inventar 200, 201, 203, 204,205, 206, 207 208;

- 10 silozuri nr. Inventar 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272 si accesorii

 proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE


Creante viitoare DN Agrar Service - creantele / beneficiile obtinute din contractele de inchiriere / depozitare aferente silozurilor finantate prin creditul de investitii


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra conturilor curente, in RON si valuta, prezente si viitoare, deschise de DN Agrar Service la Exim Banca Romaneasca SA


Ipoteca imobiliara constituita asupra imobil inscris in: CF 60037 Romos – teren intravilan in suprafata de 92.880 mp si CF 60965 Romos – teren extravilan proprietatea LACTO AGRAR si constructii  reprezentand  ferma Vaidei- Lacto Agrar (constructii) inscrise in CF   60037 Romos- C1 – bazine dejectii; C2 – sala muls automatizata si extindere;  C3 – grajd 1; 60037 Romos - C4 – grajd 2;  C5 – grajd 3;- C6 – grajd 4; C8 – rampa auto;  C14 – garaj; C16 – fanar; C17 – fanar; C18 – moara si anexa moara; C19 – grajd 5; C20 – copertina; C21 – grajd 6; C22 – grajd 7; C23 – copertina;  C24 – grajd 8;  C25 – fanar; C26 – fundatii; C27 – silozuri; C28 – transformator;  C29 – put alimentare apa;  C30 – put alimentare apa; C31 – put alimentare apa;  C32 – platforma betonata; C33 – adapost pentru 500 capete; C34 – sistem automatizat dejectii; C35 – spatii administrative P+M si mulgatorie de vaci; C36 – adapost vaci; C37 – adapost vaci; C38 – adapost vaci; C39 – adapost vaci, astfel cum va fi  prevazut in contractul intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Ipoteca imobiliara asupra imobil inscris in: CF nr. 79062, 79063, 79064, 79065 Garbova– teren intravilan, 79067 Garbova– teren extravilan DN Agrar Apold + imobil reprezentand  ferma DN Agrar Apold (constructii): 79062-C1 - ferma de vaci 1.000 capete,  79063-C1 - grajd nr. 3, 79064-C1 – constructie conexa, 79064-C2 – constructie conexa, 79064-C3 – constructie conexa, 79065-C1 - grajd nr.4 astfel cum va fi  prevazut in contractul intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL



Ipoteca imobiliara asupra imobil teren extravilan agricol (346 CF in suprafata totala de 174 ha- identificat conform Anexei 1) proprietatea DN Agrar Apold si  Lacto Agrar, astfel cum va fi  prevazut in contractual intercreditor care va fi  incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra active biologice productive fixe constand in vaci de lapte inregistrate in contul contabil 217 proprietatea DN Agrar Apold SRL

Ipoteca mobiliara asupra active biologice productive fixe, prezente si viitoare  constand in vaci de lapte inregistrate in contul contabil 217  proprietatea Lacto Agrar SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra echipamente proprietatea: DN Agrar Apold SRL si Lacto Agrar SRL conform anexa


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra stocurilor prezente si viitoare de efective de animale tinere, vitei  proprietatea Lacto Agrar, inregistrate in contul contabil 361  localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde LACTO AGRAR SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile Bancii


Ipoteca mobiliara constituita de DN AGRAR APOLD asupra tuturor stocurilor prezente si viitoare de cereale si furaje din contul 302.06/ 3026.00  al balantei contabile, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde DN AGRAR APOLD SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile Bancii; cesiunea, in favoarea Bancii, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra stocurilor de produse ipotecate in favoarea Bancii

Ipoteca mobiliara constituita de DN AGRAR HOLDING asupra tuturor stocurilor prezente si viitoare  de cereale si furaje din contul 347, 354, 361 al balantei contabile, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile Bancii; cesiunea, in favoarea Bancii, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra stocurilor de produse ipotecate in favoarea Bancii


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra conturilor curente deschise la Exim Banca Romaneasca SA de DN Agrar Apold SRL, DN Agrar Straja SRL


Ipoteca imobiliara asupra teren inscris in CF 70687, 70725, 70819 Berghin - DN Agrar Straja SRL, asa cum va fi  prevazut in contractul intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Ipoteca imobiliara Constructii viitoare – ferma DN Agrar Straja SRL, asa cum va fi  prevazut in contractual intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL



Ipoteca mobiliara asupra echipamente viitoare DN Agrar Straja SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara Mijloace fixe – vaci ce vor fi achizitionate in cadrul proiectului de investitii - DN Agrar Straja SRL


Ipoteca mobiliara 

-asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.680 (sasemilioanetreisutesaizecisidouademiisasesuteoptzeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate

- asupra unui numar de 460.100 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, reprezentand 100% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 4.601.000 (patrumilioanesasesuteunumii lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra tuturor creantelor detinute sau posibil a fi detinute de catre DN Agrar Group, datorate de DN Agrar Garbova CV(nr. inregistrare 01129709), sau de catre orice alta terta parte ca urmare a neincheierii contractului de vanzare cumparare a partilor sociale si / sau legate de tranzactia de transfer de parti sociale care nu s-a finalizat sau s-a anulat din orice motiv


Fideiusiune solidara constituita de DN Agrar Apold SRL, DN Agrar Holding SRL, Lacto Agrar SRL, DN Agrar Prodlact SRL, DN Agrar Group SA, DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE

Bilete la ordine emise de Imprumutatii si Garantii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE., in favoarea Bancii, avalizat de catre Jan Gijsbertus De Boer avand in calitate de administrator


Ipoteca mobiliara constituita LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR APOLD, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL asupra tuturor creantelor rezultate din:

-toate contractele care au fost sa vor fi incheiate cu partenerii sai debitori cedati

-toate comenzile comerciale, facturile  si oricare asemenea documente cu valoare similara recunoscute de legile si de practica in materie comerciala, emise de imprumutat si platibile de catre debitorii sai cedati;


Deasemenea, Imprumutatul constituie o ipoteca mobiliara asupra:

(3) oricaror altor drepturi de creanta prezente si viitoare


Ipoteca mobiliara  constituta de catre Lacto Agrar SRL, DN Agrar Apold SRL  si DN Agrar Holding SRL asupra tuturor creantelor rezultate din cererile de plata depuse la APIA


Ipoteca mobiliara asupra conturilor curente deschise sau ce se vor deschide de DN Agrar Group S.A, DN Agrar Holding SRL, Lacto Agrar SRL la Exim Banka Romaneasca SA



  1. Aprobarea preluarii de catre Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. a facilitatii de credit acordate de ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam - Sucursala Bucuresti, cu sediul social in Expo Business Park, str. Aviator Popisteanu, nr. 54A, Cladirea nr. 3, sector 1, Bucuresti, cod postal 012095, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub nr. J40/16100/30.08.1994, EUID ROONRC.J40/16100/1994, inregistrata in Registrul Institutiilor de Credit sub nr. RB-PJS-40-024, avand cod unic de inregistrare 6151100, cont 371160600101 deschis la Banca Nationala a Romaniei („ING BANK”) in baza contractului de credit de investitii avand ca obiect refinantarea soldului credit acordat de ING BANK in baza contractului de credit 1484 / 11.03.2022 avand soldul de 4.189.900,02 EUR la data de 16.01.2024  cu scadenta finala in 26.03.2029 si rambursarea in rate lunare


  1. Aprobarea majorarii facilitatii overdraft existenta de la 416.000 EUR la 825.000 EUR pentru LACTO AGRAR  SRL (J1/683/2010, CUI 27773270), conform Contractului 16455 din data 30.06.2016



  1. Aprobarea majorarii facilitatii de overdraft existenta de la 1.041.000 EUR la 1.450.000 EUR, acordata de catre ING BANK pentru DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL (J01/483/2008, CUI 23668743), conform Contractului 1484/02 din data de 11.03.2022


  1. Aprobarea prelungirii facilitatilor existente pe care le deruleaza urmatorii imprumutati cu ING BANK, astfel: 

-       DN AGRAR APOLD - contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/01 din data de 11 martie 2022, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare;

-       DN AGRAR HOLDING S.R.L. -contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/02 din data de 11 martie 2022, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare si  contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/03 din data de 11 martie 2022, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare;

-       DN AGRAR GROUP S.A. - contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/04 din data de 11 martie 2022, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare si contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/05 din data de 11 martie 2022, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare;

-       LACTO AGRAR S.R.L. - contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 16455 din data de 30 iunie 2016; contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 16455/02 din data de 30 iunie 2016, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare si contractul de facilitate de credit nr. 16455/05 din data de 21 septembrie 2017, cu orice modificari si completari ulterioare


  1. Aprobarea structurii de garantii, constituite conform contractului  intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA, DN AGRAR GROUP S.A., DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L., DN AGRAR HOLDING S.R.L., LACTO AGRAR S.R.L., DN AGRAR CUT S.R.L., DN AGRAR SERVICE S.R.L., DN AGRAR STRAJA S.R.L. pentru garantarea tuturor creditelor acordate de ING BANK dupa cum urmeaza:


1) ipoteca imobiliara - avand rangul mentionat in contractul de ipoteca imobiliara si reflectat corespunzator in Cartea Funciara - constituita de catre Imprumutat in favoarea ING BANK, asupra imobilului apartinand Imprumutatului LACTO AGRAR SRL, care consta in teren si cladiri situate la ferma de vaci de lapte din Vaidei, imobil localizat in Romos – Vaidei FN, inscris in Cartea Funciara nr. 60037 si 60965; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra cladirii ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.


2) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL asupa activelor bilogice productive fixe, prezente si viitoare, constand in vaci de lapte, proprietatea Imprumutatului, inregistrate in contul contabil 217.


3) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL  asupra tuturor stocurilor prezente si viitoare de efective de animale tinere, vitei, proprietatea Imprumutatului, inregistrate in contul contabil 361, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde Imprumutatul isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile ING BANK;


4) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL asupra echipamentelor, proprietatea Imprumutatului, mentionate in Contractul de ipoteca mobiliara nr. 16455/G1 si 1484/G6, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra echipamentelor ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.   Pozitiile echipament sunt conform Anexei 1 care nu se publica in Monitorul Oficial si nu se detaliaza nici in convocator, nici in hotarare.



5) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR APOLD, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, asupra tuturor creantelor rezultate din: (1) toate contractele care au fost si vor fi incheiate de Imprumutat cu partenerii sai -debitori cedati, (2) toate comenzile comerciale, facturile si oricare asemenea documente cu valoare similara recunoscute de legile si de practica in materie comerciala, emise de Imprumutat si platibile de catre debitorii sai cedati. Deasemenea, Imprumutatul constituie o ipoteca mobiliara asupra: (3) oricaror altor drepturi de creanta prezente si viitoare;


6) ipoteca imobiliara - avand rangul mentionat in contractul de ipoteca imobiliara si reflectat corespunzator in Cartea Funciara - constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL in favoarea ING BANK, asupra imobilului apartinand DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, care consta in teren si cladire (ferma de vaci de lapte), situat in Garbova, DJ 106F, judet Alba, avand CF nr. 79062, CF nr. 79063, CF nr. 79064, CF nr. 79065 si CF nr. 79067; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra cladirii ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.


7) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL asupra activelor biologice productive fixe constand in vaci de lapte, proprietatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, inregistrate in contul contabil 217..


8) ipoteca imobiliara - avand rangul mentionat in contractul de ipoteca imobiliara si reflectat corespunzator in Cartea Funciara - constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL si LACTO AGRAR SRL in favoarea ING BANK, asupra imobilului apartinand DN AGRAR APOLD SRL si LACTO AGRAR SRL, care consta in terenuri agricole in suprafata de 174ha, situate in Calnic, Garbova,  Apoldu de Jos, Sebes-  judet Alba  si Romos, Geoagiu si Orastie – jud. Hunedoara si identificat conform Anexei 1.


9) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de DN AGRAR APOLD SRL asupra echipamentelor mentionate in situatia „Echipamente” din Contractul de ipoteca mobiliara nr. 1484/G1, proprietatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra echipamentelor ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK, conform listei detaliate in Anexa 1.



10) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL asupra tuturor  creantelor rezultate din: (1) toate contractele care au fost si vor fi incheiate de DN AGRAR APOLD SRL cu partenerii sai -debitori cedati, (2) toate comenzile comerciale, facturile si oricare asemenea documente cu valoare similara recunoscute de legile si de practica in materie comerciala, emise de DN AGRAR APOLD SRL si platibile de catre debitorii sai cedati. Deasemenea, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL constituie o ipoteca mobiliara asupra: (3) oricaror altor drepturi de creanta prezente si viitoare;


11) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL asupra tuturor  creantelor rezultate din cererile de plata depuse de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL la Agentia de Plati si Interventie pentru Agricultura (APIA), asa cum sunt descrise in Contractul de ipoteca mobiliara nr. 1484/G1 incheiat intre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL si ING BANK.


12) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL asupra tuturor creantelor rezultate din cererile de plata depuse de catre DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL la Agentia de Plati si Interventie pentru Agricultura (APIA), asa cum sunt descrise in Contractul de ipoteca mobiliara nr. 1484/G2 incheiat intre DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL si ING BANK.


13) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL asupra tuturor creantelor rezultate din cererile de plata depuse de catre LACTO AGRAR SRL la Agentia de Plati si Interventie pentru Agricultura (APIA), asa cum sunt descrise in Contractul de ipoteca mobiliara nr. 1484/G6 si 16455/G1 incheiat intre LACTO AGRAR SRL si ING BANK.


14) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL asupra tuturor stocurilor prezente si viitoare de cereale si furaje din contul 302.06 / 3026.00 al balantei contabile, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde DN AGRAR APOLD SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile ING BANK; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra stocurilor de produse ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.


15) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL asupra tuturor stocurilor prezente si viitoare, de cereale si furaje din contul 347 / 354 / 361 al balantei contabile, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile ING BANK; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra stocurilor de produse ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.


16) Fideiusiune Solidara constituita de DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR PRODLACT; DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE. Exceptie de la paragraful anterior face fideiusiune solidara a DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL,  care nu se aplica pentru CREDITUL 6, aferent contract 1484/05/11.03.2022.


17) ipoteca mobiliara asupra unui numar de 636.268 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, reprezentand 90% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 6.362.680 (sasemilioanetreisutesaizecisidouademiisasesuteoptzeci lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale achizitionate in baza Contractului de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/05 incheiat intre DN AGRAR GROUP SA si ING BANK;


18) ipoteca mobiliara asupra unui numar de 460.100 parti sociale detinute de DN AGRAR GROUP SA in societatea DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, reprezentand 100% din capitalul social al societatii DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, avand o valoare nominala totala de RON 4.601.000 (patrumilioanesasesuteunumii lei) si asupra drepturilor si creantelor/dividendelor atribuibile tuturor partilor sociale care achizitionate in baza Contractului de facilitate de credit nr. 1484/05 incheiat intre DN AGRAR GROUP SA si ING BANK;


19) ipoteca mobiliara asupra tuturor creantelor detinute sau posibil a fi detinute de catre DN AGRAR GROUP SA, datorate de catre DN AGRAR GARBOVA CV (nr. inregistrare 01129709), sau de catre orice alta terta parte ca urmare a neincheierii contractului de vanzare cumparare a partilor sociale si / sau legate de tranzactia de transfer de parti sociale care nu s-a finalizat sau s-a anulat din orice motiv.


20) bilet la ordin in alb la suma si scadenta, stipulat fara protest, emis de Imprumutati si garanti , respectiv DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL in favoarea ING BANK, avalizat de catre Jan Gijsbertus De Boer avand nr. pasaport NU143H284 eliberat de autoritatile olandeze la data de 04.12.2023, in calitate de administrator al Imprumutatului;


21) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL asupra tuturor conturilor sale deschise la ING Bank


22) Ipoteca imobiliara asupra teren : 1.intravilan inscris in CF: 74673, 74674,74676 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT SRL si 74687 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE 2.extravilan inscris in CF : 74675, 74688, 77854, 77855 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT


23) ipoteca imobiliara - - constructii intabulate conform CF 74676 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT si CF 74687 Calnic proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE. Constructiile sunt realizate atat pe CF nr. 74676 Calnic, proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT cat si pe CF nr. 74687 Calnic, proprietatea DN AGRAR SERVICE:

74676-C1 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

74676-C2 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

74676-C3 adaposturi deschise CF 74676,

74676-C4 laguna dejectii CF 74676,

74687-C6 adaposturi deschise CF 74687,

74687-C7 adaposturi deschise CF 74687,

74687-C8 adaposturi deschise CF 74687

24) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR CUT asupa activelor bilogice productive fixe, prezente si viitoare, constand in vaci de lapte, proprietatea Imprumutatului, inregistrate in contul contabil 217, localizate in prezent la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde Imprumutatul isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile ING BANK; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra activelor bilogice productive, mentionate mai sus, ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK

25) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR CUT SRL si DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL asupra echipamentelor, proprietatea DN AGRAR CUT SRL si DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra echipamentelor ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK. Pozitiile echipament sunt cele enumerate in Anexa 1.

26) Ipoteca mobiliara asupra creantelor provenite din contractele de vanzare a productiei de lapte ce se vor incheiate de DN AGRAR CUT SRL in cursul desfasurarii ativitatii, pe masura incheierii acestora.

27) Ipoteca mobiliara asupra universalitatii creantelor provenite din contractele incheiate de catre DN AGRAR CUT SRL  in cursul desfasurarii activitatii, pe masura incheierii acestora

28) DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL va ipoteca in favoarea  EXIM / ING BANK creantele/beneficiile obtinute din contractele de inchiriere /depozitare aferente silozurilor finantate prin prezentul credit de investitii

29) ipoteca imobiliara - avand rangul mentionat in contractul de ipoteca imobiliara si reflectat corespunzator in Cartea Funciara - constituita de catre Imprumutat in favoarea ING BANK, asupra imobilului apartinand DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, care consta in teren inscris in Cartea Funciara nr. (CF 70687, CF 70725, CF 70819 precum si ipoteca imobiliara asupra constructiilor viitoare;   cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra cladirii ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK

30) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL asupra echipamentelor ce vor fi in  proprietatea DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL in urma finalizarii proiectului noii ferme Straja; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra echipamentelor ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.


31) ipoteca mobiliara constituita de catre DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL asupa activelor bilogice productive fixe, viitoare, constand in vaci de lapte, proprietatea DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, ce urmeaza a fi inregistrate in contabilitatea DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, active ce urmeaza a fi  localizate la sediul (sediile) sau in locatia (locatiile) unde DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL isi desfasoara activitatea comerciala sau activitatile in legatura cu activitatea sa comerciala sau in alta parte sub conditia ca respectiva locatie sau sedii sa fie acceptabile ING BANK; cesiunea, in favoarea ING BANK, a indemnizatiilor de asigurare datorate in baza politelor de asigurare asupra activelor bilogice productive, mentionate mai sus, ipotecate in favoarea ING BANK.

32) Ipoteca mobiliara asupra: echipamente de grajd achizitionate de la Leuteritz Anlagenbau GmbH conform facturilor finale numarul 17-RE00598/26.07.2017 si 17-RE00597/26.07.2017, echipamente de grajd si instalatii pentru incalzire si pentru stocarea apei in ferma, incorporate in constructive proprietatea DN Agrar Cut

  1. Aprobarea semnarii contractului intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre ING BANK, Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. si DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL 



  1. Imputernicirea dlui. Jan Gijsbertus de BOER, in calitate de reprezentant legal, pentru negocierea termenilor Contractelor de credit cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. si ING BANK, semnarea Contractelor de credit cu Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. si ING BANK, a contractului intercreditor care va fi incheiat intre  Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A.,  ING BANK si DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, a contractelor de garantie (mobiliara/imobiliara), a oricaror acte aditionale ce decurg din aceste Contracte enumerate mai sus (ex. acte aditionale pentru micsorare sau prelungire de facilitate de credit), precum si a oricaror altor documente, inclusiv bilete la ordin pe care Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. si ING BANK le va solicita Societatii in vederea acordarii creditului, semnatura acestuia fiind deplin opozabila Societatii.

Prezentul mandat este valabil pe o perioada de 1 (un) an de la data acordarii si se va reinnoi automat cu perioade succesive de cate 1 (un) an, daca nu intervine revocarea expresa a mandatului acordat conform prezentei imputerniciri.


In caz de revocare a mandatului, obligatia de a notifica ING BANK si Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. despre incetarea acestuia revine mandantului/ mandantilor. ING BANK si Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. nu va fi tinuta raspunzatoare in niciun fel in cazul in care nu a fost informata corespunzator.


  1. Aprobarea datei de 28.03.2024 ca Data de Inregistrare, care serveste la identificarea actionarilor asupra carora se vor rasfrange efectele hotararilor adoptate de AGEA si a datei de 27.03.2024 ca data reprezentand “ex-date” a hotararii AGEA.


La Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Actionarilor sunt indreptatiti sa participe si sa voteze toti actionarii inregistrati la sfarsitul zilei de 28.02.2024, stabilita ca Data de Referinta.


Accesul actionarilor indreptatiti sa participe la AGEA este permis prin simpla proba a identitatii acestora, facuta, in cazul actionarilor persoane fizice, cu actul de identitate, iar, in cazul actionarilor persoane juridice si a actionarilor persoane fizice reprezentate, cu procura speciala sau generala, data persoanei fizice care ii reprezinta si actul de identitate al reprezentantului. Formularul de procura poate fi obtinut de la sediul Societatii incepand cu data de 12.02.2024 si de pe site-ul http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, sectiunea Investitori.


Procura speciala sau generala se va intocmi in trei exemplare originale (unul pentru Societate, unul pentru mandant, unul pentru mandatar). Procurile si o copie a actului de identitate sau a certificatului de inregistrare si a certificatului constatator eliberat de registrul comertului sau orice alt document emis de catre o autoritate competenta din statul in care actionarul este inmatriculat legal (cu o vechime de cel mult 3 luni raportat la data publicarii convocatorului adunarii generale) vor fi depuse/transmise in original la sediul Societatii sau transmise prin e-mail cu semnatura electronica pana la data de 10.03.2024, ora 10:00, la adresa de email investors@dn-agrar.eu.

In cazul procurii speciale acordata de catre un actionar unei institutii de credit care presteaza servicii de custodie, aceasta va fi semnata de respectivul actionar si va fi insotita de o declaratie pe proprie raspundere data de institutia de credit care a primit imputernicirea de reprezentare prin procura speciala, din care sa reiasa ca:


-       institutia de credit presteaza servicii de custodie pentru respectivul actionar;

-       instructiunile din procura speciala sunt identice cu instructiunile din cadrul mesajului SWIFT primit de institutia de credit pentru a vota in numele respectivului actionar;

-       procura speciala este semnata de actionar.

La data adunarii, la intrarea in sala de sedinta a adunarii generale, reprezentantul desemnat va preda originalul procurii, in cazul in care aceasta a fost transmisa prin e-mail cu semnatura electronica incorporata, si o copie a actelor sale de identificare.

Fiecare actionar are dreptul sa adreseze Consiliului de Administratie intrebari in scris inaintea datei de desfasurare a adunarii generale, privind punctele de pe ordinea de zi, conform art 198-199 din Regulamentul ASF nr. 5/2018 pana la data de 10.03.2024. Raspunsul se considera dat daca informatia solicitata este publicata pe pagina de internet a Societatii.

Unul sau mai multi actionari reprezentand, individual sau impreuna, cel putin 5% din capitalul social, au dreptul de a introduce puncte pe ordinea de zi a Adunarilor Generale.

Propunerile privind introducerea de puncte noi pe ordinea de zi a adunarii generale, respectiv proiectele de hotarari pentru punctele incluse sau propuse spre a fi incluse pe ordinea de zi a adunarii generale, vor fi insotite de copiile actelor de identificare ale initiatorilor. Acestea se refera la actele de identitate (buletin/carte de identitate) in cazul persoanelor fizice si certificatele de inmatriculare si constatatoare sau orice alt document emis de catre o autoritate competenta din statul in care actionarul este inmatriculat legal (cu o vechime de cel mult 3 luni raportat la data publicarii convocatorului adunarii generale), indicand detinatorii calitatii de reprezentanti legali pentru persoanele juridice actionari ai Societatii. Documentele care atesta calitatea de reprezentant legal intocmite intr-o limba straina, alta decat limba engleza, vor fi insotite de o traducere realizata de un traducator autorizat, in limba romana sau in limba engleza, iar constatarea calitatii de reprezentant legal se va face in baza listei actionarilor pusa la dispozitie de catre Depozitarul Central. Propunerile vor fi depuse la sediul Societatii, pana cel tarziu la data de 25.02.2024, ora 17:00, in plic inchis, cu mentiunea scrisa in clar si cu majuscule “PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA EXTRAORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR” sau transmise si prin e-mail, cu semnatura electronica incorporata conform Legii nr. 455/2001, privind semnatura electronica, in acelasi termen la adresa: investors@dn-agrar.eu, mentionand la subiect “PENTRU ADUNAREA GENERALA EXTRAORDINARA A ACTIONARILOR”.

Se aduce la cunostinta actionarilor ca, in ceea ce priveste propunerile privind introducerea de puncte noi pe ordinea de zi a adunarii, este necesar ca, pentru fiecare punct propus de initiatori, sa existe o justificare sau un proiect de hotarare propus spre adoptare de adunarea generala.

Ultima varianta actualizata a procurilor si buletinelor de vot prin corespondenta va fi disponibila pe site-ul Societatii incepand cu data de 27.02.2024, ora 17:00.


Actionarii inregistrati la Data de Referinta in registrul actionarilor au posibilitatea de a vota prin corespondenta, inainte de data sedintei adunarii, prin utilizarea formularului de vot prin corespondenta. Formularul de vot prin corespondenta, impreuna cu copia actului de identitate si/sau a certificatului de inregistrare si a certificatului constatator emis de registrul comertului sau orice alt document al actionarului, emis de catre o autoritate competenta din statul in care actionarul este inmatriculat legal (cu o vechime de cel mult 3 luni raportat la data publicarii convocatorului adunarii generale) vor fi transmise Societatii, in original, la sediul acesteia sau prin e-mail, cu semnatura electronica extinsa, incorporata conform Legii nr. 455/2001, la adresa de email investors@dn-agrar.eu, pana la data de 10.03.2024, ora 10:00. Formularele vor fi redactate in limba romana. Actionarii care au votat prin procuri speciale sau buletine de vot prin corespondenta isi pot modifica optiunea initiala de vot sau mijlocul de exprimare a votului, fiind considerat valabil ultimul vot exprimat si inregistrat pana in data 10.03.2024, ora 10:00.


In situatia in care actionarul care si-a exprimat votul prin corespondenta participa personal sau prin reprezentant la adunarea generala, votul prin corespondenta exprimat pentru acea adunare generala va fi anulat. In acest caz, va fi luat in considerare doar votul exprimat personal sau prin reprezentant.


Formularele de buletin de vot prin corespondenta, formularele de procuri speciale, documentele si materialele informative referitoare la problemele incluse pe ordinea de zi, inclusiv proiectele de hotarari, se pun la dispozitia actionarilor incepand cu data de 12.02.2024, ora 17.00 pe website-ul Societatii la adresa http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, sectiunea Investitori si la sediul Societatii din Alba Iulia, judetul Alba, strada P-ta Iuliu Maniu nr.1, bloc 31DE.


Consiliul de Administratie recomanda actionarilor sa consulte materialele suport pentru AGEA, disponibile pe site-ul http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, incepand cu data publicarii Convocatorului in Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei, partea a IV-a.

Adoptat in 2 (doua) exemplare originale, in limba romana si in limba engleza. In caz de neconcordante intre varianta in limba engleza si cea in limba romana, varianta in limba romana va prevala.




Data: 07.02.2024

Jan Gijsbertus de BOER,

Presedinte al Consiliului de Administratie


Convening Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders



Mr. Jan Gijsbertus de BOER, Chairman of the Board of Directors of DN AGRAR GROUP S.A., an open joint-stock company established and operating under Romanian law, with registered office in Alba Iulia, Alba County, P-ta Iuliu Maniu nr. 1, block 31DE, having the trade register number J1/730/2008, EUID ROONRC.J01/730/2008, sole registration code 24020501, fiscal attribute RO, subscribed and paid-up share capital of RON 31,818,844.8 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), in accordance with the Decision of the Board of Directors no. 8 of 07.02.2024, and the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the Company valid at the date of the convening, as well as of Article 117 of the Companies Act no. 31/1990, as subsequently amended and supplemented, hereby




the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter referred to as ”EGMS”) on 12.03.2024, at 10:00, at the Company’s place of business - Alba Iulia Municipality, Piata Iuliu Maniu, block 31D, Parter (ground floor), Alba County, for all shareholders registered at the end of the day of 28.02.2024, considered as the Reference Date, in the Register of Shareholders kept by Depozitarul Central S.A. (the Central Depository), and, in the event that the statutory conditions or any other conditions of validity are not met, the EGMS will be held on 13.03.2024, at 10:00 a.m., at the same place, for all shareholders registered in the Register of Shareholders on the same Reference Date, with the following




  1. Approval of the guarantee by DN AGRAR GROUP SA, as guarantor, of all financial obligations (existing loans, interest, penalties, other costs) arising from existing loan contracts entered into by DN AGRAR CUT S.R.L. (J01/680/2008, Tax Code 23962357) in relation to Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A., i.e. the guarantee of: 


- the credit line amounting to EUR 1.2 million, maturing on 13.03.2025,

- the investment loan of EUR 1.97 million, maturing on 19.03.2029, for the financing of the investment project - Construction of open animal shelters, manure lagoon, milking parlor, concrete platforms and partial fencing, purchase of equipment, and repayment in equal monthly instalments. 

  1. Approval of the guarantee by DN AGRAR GROUP SA, as guarantor, of all financial obligations (existing loans, interest, penalties, other costs) arising from existing loan contracts concluded by DN AGRAR SERVICE S.R.L. (J1/220/2009, Tax Code 25294858), in relation to Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A., i.e. the guarantee of:

-the investment loan of EUR 0.83 million, with final maturity on 27.08.2027, for the financing of the investment project - "construction of silos, storage capacities, agricultural-zootechnical hall and fencing", and repayment in equal monthly instalments,

  1. Approval of the contracting by DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L. (J1/689/2008, Tax Code 23971851) from Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. of an investment loan for the refinancing of the balance of the loan granted by ING BANK on the basis of credit contract 1484 / 11.03.2022 (balance of EUR 4,189,900.02 on 16.01.2024) with final maturity on 26.03.2029 and repayment in equal monthly instalments,

Approval of the guarantee by DN AGRAR GROUP SA, as guarantor, of all financial obligations (existing loans, interest, penalties, other costs) arising from the loan contracts that DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L. (J1/689/2008, Tax Code 23971851) will conclude with Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A.

  1. Approval of the contracting by DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL (J01/53/2012, Tax Code 29591860) from Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A., of:

- an investment loan in the amount of EUR 9.27 million for a period of 120 months for the establishment of DN Agrar Straja S.R.L. dairy farm in Berghin

- a liquidity loan in the amount of EUR 1.00 million for a period of 24 months

Approval of the guarantee by the Company, as guarantor, of all financial obligations (existing loans, interest, penalties, other costs) arising from the loan contracts that DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL (J01/53/2012, Tax Code 29591860) will conclude with Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. respectively of:

- the investment loan in the amount of EUR 9.27 million for a period of 120 months for the establishment of DN Agrar Straja S.R.L. dairy farm in Berghin

- the liquidity loan in the amount of EUR 1.00 million for a period of 24 months

The co-payers for the loans to be granted to DN AGRAR STRAJA S.R.L. are DN Agrar Cut S.R.L., DN Agrar Service S.R.L. and DN Agrar Apold S.R.L.

All credit facilities referred to in points 1-4 shall be referred to as "Exim Banca Romaneasca SA Contracts".

5.Approval of the joint guarantee structure established under the intercreditor agreement to be signed between ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL to guarantee the facilities granted by Exim Banca Romaneasca SA



Real estate mortgage on:


Real estate mortgage on land:

1. land within the built-up area registered in land book: 74673, 74674,74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT SRL and 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE

2. land outside the built-up area registered in land book: 74675, 74688, 77854, 77855 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT, as it will be provided for in the intercreditor agreement entered into by ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


- buildings registered according to Land book 74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT and Land book 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE. The buildings are built both on Land book no. 74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT and on Land book no. 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE:



-74676-C1 opened shelters LB 74676,

-74676-C2 opened shelters LB 74676,

-74676-C3 opened shelters LB 74676,

-74676-C4 manure lagoon LB 74676,

-74687-C6 opened shelters LB 74687,

-74687- C7 opened shelters LB 74687,

-74687-C8 opened shelters LB 74687, as it will be provided for in the intercreditor agreement entered into by ING BANK, Exim Banca Romanesca SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Movable mortgage

Movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR CUT on the present and future fixed productive biological assets consisting of dairy cows, owned by DN AGRAR CUT SRL, recorded in the accounting account 217, currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or location (locations) where the Borrower conducts its business activity or its activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to the Bank; assignment, in the favor of the Bank, of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on the above-mentioned productive biological assets, mortgaged to the Bank


Movable mortgage:

 milking parlor installations - Milking stable - Dairy master / Europe Dairy Systems Inventory no. 3096 and Chiller / Muller C210/P19105-1 Inventory no. 2407, 3 New Holland T6.180 tractors Inventory no. 1990, 1991, 1992, 2 New Holland TL760 loaders Inventory no. 1993,1994, fodder trailer Inventory no. 2069, owned by DN AGRAR CUT SRL


Movable mortgage on: stable equipment purchased from Leuteritz Anlagenbau GmbH according to final invoices number 17-RE00598/26.07.2017 and 17-RE00597/26.07.2017, -stable equipment and installations for heating and water storage on the farm, incorporated in the building owned by DN Agrar Cut SRL


Surety concluded with DN Agrar Group SA, DN Agrar Service, DN Agrar Prodlact, DN Agrar Straja, DN Agrar Cut


Movable mortgage on receivables arising from milk production sales contracts to be concluded by DN AGRAR CUT SRL in the course of business, as and when they are concluded



Movable mortgage on all receivables arising from contracts concluded by DN AGRAR CUT SRL in the course of business, as and when they are concluded


Movable mortgage on present and future current accounts, in RON and foreign currency, opened by DN Agrar Cut at Exim Banca Romaneasca SA


Real estate mortgage on land with an area of 60,900 sqm registered in LB 74687 Calnic, Alba County and buildings: silos C1, gate house C2, grain warehouse C3 registered in LB 74687 Calnic, Alba County, owned by DN Agrar Service SRL, as provided for in the intercreditor agreement to be signed between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Movable mortgage on equipment: -Vehicle weighing system Inventory no. 242 (electronic vehicle weighing system);

- Grain sampling probe (Rakoraf) Inventory No. 218;

- 8 monocoque trailers 16T Inventory no. 200, 201, 203, 204,205, 206, 207 208;

- 10 silos Inventory no. 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272 and accessories



Future receivables of DN Agrar Service - receivables / benefits obtained from lease / storage contracts related to silos financed by the investment loan


Movable mortgage on present and future current accounts, in RON and foreign currency, opened by DN Agrar Service at Exim Banca Romaneasca SA


Real estate mortgage constituted on the building registered in LB 60037 Romos - land within the built-up area of 92,880 sqm and LB 60965 Romos - land outside the built-up area owned by LACTO AGRAR and buildings representing the farm Vaidei - Lacto Agrar (buildings) registered in LB 60037 Romos - C1 - manure tanks; C2 - automated milking parlor and extension; C3 - stable 1; 60037 Romos - C4 - stable 2; C5 - stable 3;- C6 - stable 4; C8 - vehicle platform; C14 - garage; C16 - hayloft; C17 - hayloft; C18 - mill and mill annex; C19 - stable 5; C20 - awning; C21 - stable 6; C22 - stable 7; C23 - awning; C24 - stable 8; C25 - hayloft; C26 - foundations; C27 - silos; C28 - transformer; C29 - water supply well; C30 - water supply well; C31 - water supply well; C32 - concrete platform; C33 - shelter for 500 heads; C34 - automated manure system; C35 - administrative premises P+M and cow milking parlor; C36 - cow shelter; C37 - cow shelter; C38 - cow shelter; C39 - cow shelter, as will be provided for in the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Mortgage on real estate registered in: LB no. 79062, 79063, 79064, 79065 Garbova - land within the built-up area, 79067 Garbova - land outside the built-up area of DN Agrar Apold + real estate representing DN Agrar Apold farm (buildings): 79062-C1 - dairy farm 1.000 heads, 79063-C1 - stable no. 3, 79064-C1 - related building, 79064-C2 - related building, 79064-C3 - related building, 79065-C1 - stable no.4 as will be provided for in the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Real estate mortgage on the agricultural land outside the built-up area (346 LB with a total area of 174 hectares, identified according to Annex 1) owned by DN Agrar Apold and Lacto Agrar, as will be provided for in the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Movable mortgage on fixed productive biological assets consisting of dairy cows registered in the accounting account 217 owned by DN Agrar Apold SRL

Movable mortgage on fixed, present and future productive biological assets consisting of dairy cows recorded in the accounting account 217 owned by Lacto Agrar SRL


Movable mortgage on equipment owned by: DN Agrar Apold SRL and Lacto Agrar SRL according to annex


Movable mortgage on present and future stocks of young cattle, calves, owned by Lacto Agrar, recorded in the accounting account 361 currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or at the location (locations) where LACTO AGRAR SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere provided that such location or headquarters are acceptable to the Bank


Movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD on all present and future stocks of cereals and fodder from account 302.06/ 3026.00  of the balance sheet, currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or at the location (locations) where DN AGRAR APOLD SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere provided that such location or headquarters are acceptable to the Bank; assignment, in favor of the Bank, of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on stocks of products mortgaged in favor of the Bank

Movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR HOLDING on all present and future stocks of cereals and fodder from account 347, 354, 361 of the balance sheet, currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or at the location (locations) where DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere provided that such location or headquarters are acceptable to the Bank; assignment, in favor of the Bank, of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on stocks of products mortgaged in favor of the Bank


Movable mortgage on current accounts opened at Exim Banca Romaneasca SA by DN Agrar Apold SRL, DN Agrar Straja SRL


Real estate mortgage on land registered in LB 70687, 70725, 70819 Berghin - DN Agrar Straja SRL, as will be provided for in the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA SA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Real estate mortgage Future constructions - DN Agrar Straja SRL farm, as will be provided for in the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL


Movable mortgage on future equipment of DN Agrar Straja SRL


Movable mortgage Fixed assets - cows to be purchased within the investment project - DN Agrar Straja SRL


Movable mortgage 

- over 636,268 shares held by DN AGRAR GROUP SA in DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, representing 90% of the share capital of DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, with a total nominal value of RON 6,362,680

(six million three hundred and sixty two thousand six hundred and eighty lei) and on the rights and receivables/dividends assignable to all acquired shares



- over 460,100 shares held by DN AGRAR GROUP SA in DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, representing 100% of the share capital of DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, with a total nominal value of RON 4,601,000 (four million six hundred and one thousand lei) and on the rights and receivables/dividends assignable to all acquired shares


Movable mortgage on all receivables held or potentially to be held by DN Agrar Group, owed by DN Agrar Garbova CV (registration no. 01129709), or by any other third party as a result of the non-conclusion of the contract for the sale and purchase of shares and/or in connection with the share transfer transaction which has not been completed or has been cancelled for any reason whatsoever


Joint suretyship constituted by DN Agrar Apold SRL, DN Agrar Holding SRL, Lacto Agrar SRL, DN Agrar Prodlact SRL, DN Agrar Group SA, DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE

Promissory notes issued by the Borrowers and Guarantors DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE., in favor of the Bank, endorsed by Jan Gijsbertus De Boer in his capacity of administrator


Movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR APOLD, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL on all receivables arising from:

- all contracts that have been or will be concluded with its assigned debtors-partners

-all commercial orders, invoices and any other documents of similar value recognized by law and commercial practice issued by the borrower and payable by its assigned debtors;



The Borrower also creates a movable mortgage over:

(3) any other present and future receivables



Movable mortgage constituted by Lacto Agrar SRL, DN Agrar Apold SRL and DN Agrar Holding SRL on all receivables resulting from payment claims submitted to APIA.


Movable mortgage on current accounts opened or to be opened by DN Agrar Group S.A, DN Agrar Holding SRL, Lacto Agrar SRL with Exim Banka Romaneasca SA



  1. Approval of the takeover by Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. of the credit facility granted by ING Bank N.V. Amsterdam - Bucharest Branch, with registered office in Expo Business Park, str. Aviator Popisteanu, nr. 54A, Cladirea nr. 3, sector 1, Bucharest, postal code 012095, registered in the Trade Register with no. J40/16100/30.08.1994, EUID ROONRC.J40/16100/1994, registered in the Register of Credit Institutions with no. RB-PJS-40-024, having the sole registration code 6151100, account 371160600101 opened at the National Bank of Romania (”ING BANK”) on the basis of the investment loan agreement for the refinancing of the loan balance granted by ING BANK on the basis of loan agreement 1484 / 11.03.2022 with a balance of EUR 4,189,900.02 on 16.01.2024 with final maturity on 26.03.2029 and repayment in monthly instalments



  1. Approval of the increase of the existing overdraft facility from EUR 416,000 to EUR 825,000 for LACTO AGRAR SRL (J1/683/2010, Tax Code 27773270), according to Contract 16455 dated 30.06.2016.


  1. Approval of the increase of the existing overdraft facility from EUR 1,041,000 to EUR 1,450,000, granted by ING BANK to DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL (J01/483/2008, Tax Code 23668743), according to Contract 1484/02 dated 11.03.2022


  1. Approval of the extension of the existing facilities that the following borrowers have with ING BANK, as follows: 

-       DN AGRAR APOLD - credit facility agreement No 1484/01 dated 11 March 2022, with any subsequent amendments and additions;

-       DN AGRAR HOLDING S.R.L. - credit facility agreement No. 1484/02 dated 11 March 2022, with any subsequent amendments and additions and credit facility agreement No. 1484/03 dated 11 March 2022, with any subsequent amendments and additions;

-       DN AGRAR GROUP S.A. - credit facility agreement No. 1484/04 dated 11 March 2022, with any subsequent amendments and additions and credit facility agreement No. 1484/05 dated 11 March 2022, with any subsequent amendments and additions;

-       LACTO AGRAR S.R.L. - credit facility agreement No. 16455 dated 30 June 2016; credit facility agreement No. 16455/02 dated 30 June 2016, with any subsequent amendments and additions and credit facility agreement No. 16455/05 dated 21 September 2017, with any subsequent amendments and additions


  1. Approval of the guarantee structure, established according to the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, EXIM BANCA ROMANESCA, DN AGRAR GROUP S.A., DN AGRAR APOLD S.R.L., DN AGRAR HOLDING S.R.L., LACTO AGRAR S.R.L., DN AGRAR CUT S.R.L., DN AGRAR SERVICE S.R.L., DN AGRAR STRAJA S.R.L. to guarantee all loans granted by ING BANK as follows:


1) real estate mortgage - having the rank mentioned in the real estate mortgage contract and duly reflected in the Land Book - constituted by the Borrower in favor of ING BANK, on the real estate belonging to the Borrower LACTO AGRAR SRL, consisting of land and buildings located at the dairy farm in Vaidei, real estate located in Romos - Vaidei FN, registered in the Land Book no. 60037 and 60965; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the mortgaged building in favor of ING BANK.


2) movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL on the present and future fixed productive assets, consisting of milk cows, owned by the Borrower, recorded in the accounting account 217.


3) movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL on all present and future stocks of young cattle, calves, owned by the Borrower, registered in the account 361, currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or at the location (locations) where the Borrower carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to ING BANK;


4) movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL on the equipment, owned by the Borrower, mentioned in the Movable Mortgage Contract no. 16455/G1 and 1484/G6, with subsequent amendments and additions; the assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the mortgaged equipment in favor of ING BANK.   The positions of the equipment are as set out in Annex 1, which is not published in the Official Gazette and is not detailed either in the convening notice nor in the resolution.


5) movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR APOLD, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, over all receivables arising from: (1) all contracts which have been and will be concluded by the Borrower with its partners - assigned debtors, (2) all commercial orders, invoices and any other documents of similar value recognized by law and commercial practice issued by the Borrower and payable by its assigned debtors. The Borrower also creates a movable mortgage over: (3) any other present and future receivables;



6) real estate mortgage - having the rank mentioned in the real estate mortgage contract and duly reflected in the Land Book - constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL in favor of ING BANK, on the real estate belonging to DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, consisting of land and building (dairy cows farm), located in Garbova, DJ 106F, Alba county, with LB no. 79062, LB no. 79063, LB no. 79064, LB no. 79065 and LB no. 79067; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the building mortgaged in favor of ING BANK.


7) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL on the present and future fixed productive assets, consisting of milk cows, owned by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, recorded in the accounting account 217.


8) real estate mortgage - having the rank mentioned in the real estate mortgage contract and duly reflected in the Land Book - constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL and LACTO AGRAR SRL in favor of ING BANK, on the real estate belonging to DN AGRAR APOLD SRL and LACTO AGRAR SRL, consisting of agricultural lands with a surface of 174 hectare, located in Calnic, Garbova, Apoldu de Jos, Sebes – Alba County and Romos, Geoagiu and Orastie – Hunedoara County and identified according to Annex 1.


9) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL on the equipment mentioned in the report "Equipment" of the Movable Mortgage Contract no. 1484/G1, owned by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the mortgaged equipment in favor of ING BANK, according to the list detailed in Annex 1.



10) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, over all receivables arising from: (1) all contracts which have been and will be concluded by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL with its partners - assigned debtors, (2) all commercial orders, invoices and any other documents of similar value recognized by law and commercial practice issued by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL and payable by its assigned debtors. DN AGRAR APOLD SRL also creates a movable mortgage over: (3) any other present and future receivables;




11) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL on all the receivables arising from the payment applications submitted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL to the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), as described in the Movable Mortgage Contract no. 1484/G1 concluded between DN AGRAR APOLD SRL and ING BANK.


12) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL on all the receivables arising from the payment applications submitted by DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL to the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), as described in the Movable Mortgage Contract no. 1484/G2 concluded between DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL and ING BANK.


13) movable mortgage constituted by LACTO AGRAR SRL on all the receivables arising from the payment applications submitted by LACTO AGRAR SRL to the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), as described in the Movable Mortgage Contract no. 1484/G6 and 16455/G1 concluded between LACTO AGRAR SRL and ING BANK.


14) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL on all present and future stocks of cereals and fodder from account 302.06 / 3026. 00 of the balance sheet, currently located at the headquarters(s) or location(s) where DN AGRAR APOLD SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to ING BANK; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the stocks of products mortgaged in favor of ING BANK.


15) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL on all present and future stocks of cereals and fodder from account 347 / 354 / 361 of the balance sheet, currently located at the headquarters(s) or location(s) where DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to ING BANK; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the stocks of products mortgaged in favor of ING BANK.


16) Joint suretyship constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR PRODLACT; DN AGRAR STRAJA, DN AGRAR CUT, DN AGRAR SERVICE. Exception to the previous paragraph is the joint suretyship of DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, which does not apply to CREDIT 6, related to the contract 1484/05/11.03.2022.


17) Movable mortgage over 636,268 shares held by DN AGRAR GROUP SA in DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, representing 90% of the share capital of DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, with a total nominal value of RON 6,362,680 (six million three hundred and sixty two thousand six hundred and eighty lei) and on the rights and receivables/dividends assignable to all shares acquired on the basis of Credit Facility Agreement No 1484/05 between DN AGRAR GROUP SA and ING BANK;




18) movable mortgage over 460,100 shares held by DN AGRAR GROUP SA in DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, representing 100% of the share capital of DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, with a total nominal value of RON 4,601,000 (four million six hundred and one thousand lei) and on the rights and receivables/dividends assignable to all shares acquired on the basis of Credit Facility Agreement No 1484/05 between DN AGRAR GROUP SA and ING BANK;




19) movable mortgage on all receivables held or potentially to be held by DN AGRAR GROUP SA, owed by DN Agrar Garbova CV (registration no. 01129709), or by any other third party as a result of the non-conclusion of the contract for the sale and purchase of shares and/or in connection with the share transfer transaction which has not been completed or has been cancelled for any reason whatsoever.


20) promissory note in relation to the amount and the maturity date, without protest, issued by the Borrowers and guarantors, namely DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL in favor of ING BANK, endorsed by Jan Gijsbertus De Boer, holder of the passport no. NU143H284 issued by the Dutch authorities on 04.12.2023, as administrator of the Borrower;



21) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, DN AGRAR GROUP SA, LACTO AGRAR SRL over all their accounts opened with ING Bank


22) Real estate mortgage on land: 1. land within the built-up area registered in LB: 74673, 74674,74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT SRL and 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE 2. land outside the built-up area registered in LB : 74675, 74688, 77854, 77855 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT


23) real estate mortgage - - buildings registered according to LB 74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT and LB 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE. The constructions are made both on LB no. 74676 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR CUT and on LB no. 74687 Calnic, owned by DN AGRAR SERVICE:

74676-C1 opened shelters LB 74676,

74676-C2 opened shelters LB 74676,

74676-C3 opened shelters LB 74676,

74676-C4 manure lagoon LB 74676,

74687-C6 opened shelters LB 74687,

74687-C7 opened shelters LB 74687,

74687-C8 opened shelters LB 74687

24) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR CUT over the present and future fixed productive assets, consisting of dairy cows, owned by the Borrower, registered in the accounting account 217, currently located at the headquarter (headquarters) or at the location (locations) where the Borrower carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to ING BANK; the assignment in favor of ING BANK of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on the above-mentioned productive assets mortgaged in favor of ING BANK

25) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR CUT SRL and DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL on equipment, owned by DN AGRAR CUT SRL and DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL; the assignment in favor of ING BANK of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on the equipment mortgaged in favor of ING BANK. The equipment positions are those listed in the Annex 1.


26) Movable mortgage on claims arising from contracts for the sale of milk production to be concluded by DN AGRAR CUT SRL in the course of its activities, as and when they are concluded.

27) Movable mortgage on all receivables arising from contracts concluded by DN AGRAR CUT SRL in the course of business, as and when they are concluded


28) DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL will mortgage in favor of EXIM / ING BANK the receivables/profits obtained from the lease/storage contracts related to the silos financed by this investment loan.

29) real estate mortgage - having the rank mentioned in the real estate mortgage contract and duly reflected in the Land Book - constituted by the Borrower in favor of ING BANK, on the real estate belonging to DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, consisting of land registered in the Land Book no. (LB 70687, LB 70725, LB 70819 as well as the real estate mortgage on the future buildings; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the mortgaged building in favor of ING BANK.

30) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL on the equipment that will be owned by DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL following the completion of the new Straja farm project; assignment, in favor of ING BANK, of the insurance indemnities due under the insurance policies on the equipment mortgaged in favor of ING BANK.



31) movable mortgage constituted by DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL on future fixed productive assets, consisting of milk cows, owned by DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, to be recorded in the accounts of DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, assets to be located at the headquarters(s) or location(s) where DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL carries out its business activity or activities related to its business activity or elsewhere under the condition that such location or headquarters are acceptable to ING BANK; assignment in favor of ING BANK of insurance indemnities due under insurance policies on the above-mentioned productive assets mortgaged in favor of ING BANK.


32) Movable mortgage on: stable equipment purchased from Leuteritz Anlagenbau GmbH according to final invoices number 17-RE00598/26.07.2017 and 17-RE00597/26.07.2017, stable equipment and installations for heating and water storage on the farm, incorporated in the construction, owned by DN Agrar Cut.

  1. Approval to sign the Intercreditor Agreement to be concluded between ING BANK, Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. and DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL 


  1. To appoint Mr. Jan Gijsbertus de BOER, as legal representative, for the negotiation of the terms of the Credit Agreements with Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. and ING BANK, the signing of the Credit Agreements with Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. and ING BANK, the Intercreditor Agreement to be signed between Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A.,  ING BANK and DN AGRAR GROUP SA, DN AGRAR APOLD SRL, DN AGRAR HOLDING SRL, LACTO AGRAR SRL, DN AGRAR CUT SRL, DN AGRAR SERVICE SRL, DN AGRAR STRAJA SRL, of the (movable/real estate) guarantee contracts, of any addenda arising from these Contracts listed above (e.g. addenda for the shortening or extension of the credit facility), as well as any other documents, including promissory notes that Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. and ING BANK will request from the Company in order to grant the loan, his signature being fully binding on the Company.

This mandate shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from the date of granting and shall be automatically renewed for successive periods of one (1) year, unless the mandate granted under this authorization is expressly revoked.



In case of revocation of the mandate, the obligation to notify ING BANK and Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. about its termination is incumbent on the principal/principals. ING BANK and Exim Banca Romaneasca S.A. shall not be held liable in any way if they have not been duly informed.


  1. Approval of the date of 28.03.2024 as the Registration Date, which serves to identify the shareholders on whom the effects of the resolutions adopted by the EGMS will be passed and of the date of 27.03.2024 as the "ex-date" of the EGMS resolution.


All shareholders registered at the end of 28.02.2024, established as the Reference Date, are entitled to attend and vote at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.


The access of shareholders entitled to attend the EGMS is allowed by simply proving their identity, in the case of individual shareholders, with their identity card, and, in the case of corporate shareholders and represented individual shareholders, with a special or general power of attorney given to the individual representing them and the identity card of the representative. The proxy form can be obtained from the Company's registered office starting on 12.02.2024 and from the website http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, Investors section.


The special or general power of attorney shall be drawn up in three original counterparts (one for the Company, one for the principal, one for the agent). The powers of attorney and a copy of the identity card or the registration certificate and the certificate issued by the Trade Register or any other document issued by a competent authority from the State where the shareholder is legally registered (not older than 3 months from the date of publication of the notice of the general meeting) must be lodged/transmitted in original at the Company's registered office or sent by electronically signed e-mail by 10.03.2024, at 10:00 a.m. to investors@dn-agrar.eu.

In the case of a special power of attorney granted by a shareholder to a credit institution providing custody services, it shall be signed by that shareholder and shall be accompanied by an affidavit from the credit institution which has received the special power of attorney, stating that:



-       the credit institution provides custody services for that shareholder;

-       the instructions in the special power of attorney are identical to the instructions in the SWIFT message received by the credit institution to vote on behalf of that shareholder;

-       the special power of attorney is signed by the shareholder.

On the date of the meeting, at the entrance to the meeting room of the general meeting, the designated representative shall hand in the original of the power of attorney, if it has been sent by electronically signed e-mail, and a copy of his/her identification documents.

Each shareholder has the right to ask questions to the Board of Directors, in writing, before the date of the general meeting, regarding the items on the agenda, in accordance with art 198-199 of ASF Regulation no. 5/2018, until 10.03.2024. The answer is deemed to be given if the requested information is published on the Company's website.

One or more shareholders representing, individually or together, at least 5% of the share capital, have the right to place items on the agenda of General Meetings.

Proposals for the inclusion of new items on the agenda of the general meeting and draft resolutions for items included or proposed for inclusion on the agenda of the general meeting shall be accompanied by copies of the initiators' identification documents. These shall refer to identity documents (identity document/identity card) in the case of natural persons and certificates of registration and confirmation or any other document issued by a competent authority of the State in which the shareholder is legally registered (not older than 3 months from the date of publication of the notice of the general meeting), indicating the holders of the legal representative status for legal persons who are shareholders of the Company. The documents attesting the legal representative's capacity drawn up in a foreign language, other than English, shall be accompanied by a translation into Romanian or English made by an authorized translator, and the legal representative's capacity shall be established on the basis of the list of shareholders provided by the Central Depository. Proposals shall be submitted to the Company's registered office no later than 25.02.2024, at 5:00 p.m., in a sealed envelope, clearly marked in capital letters "FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" or sent by e-mail, with an electronic signature incorporated in accordance with Law no. 455/2001 on electronic signatures, within the same deadline to the following address: investors@dn-agrar.eu, mentioning "FOR THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS" in the subject line.

Shareholders are informed that, with regard to proposals for the introduction of new items on the agenda of the meeting, a justification or a draft resolution proposed for adoption by the general meeting is required for each item proposed by the initiators.

The latest updated version of the powers of attorney and postal voting forms will be available on the Company's website starting with 27.02.2024, at 17:00.


Shareholders registered on the Reference Date in the register of shareholders have the opportunity to vote by mail, prior to the date of the meeting, using the postal voting form. The postal voting form, together with a copy of the identity card and/or the registration certificate and the certificate of confirmation issued by the trade register or any other document of the shareholder issued by a competent authority of the State in which the shareholder is legally registered (not older than 3 months from the date of publication of the notice of the general meeting) shall be sent to the Company, in original, at its registered office or by e-mail, with an extended electronic signature, incorporated in accordance with Law no. 455/2001, to the e-mail address investors@dn-agrar.eu, by 10.03.2024, 10:00 a.m.. The forms shall be drawn up in Romanian. Shareholders who have voted by special powers of attorney or by postal voting form may change their initial voting option or the means of casting their vote, the last vote cast and recorded by 10.03.2024, 10:00 a.m. being considered valid.

If a shareholder who has cast a postal vote attends the general meeting in person or by a representative, the postal vote cast for that general meeting shall be cancelled. In this case, only the vote cast in person or by representative shall be taken into account.



Postal voting ballot forms, special power of attorney forms, informative documents and materials relating to the items on the agenda, including draft resolutions, are available to shareholders from 12.02.2024, 5.00 p.m. on the Company's website at http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, Investors section, and at the Company's registered office in Alba Iulia, Alba County, str. P-ta Iuliu Maniu nr. 1, Bl. 31DE.



The Board of Directors recommends shareholders to consult the supporting materials for the EGMS, available on the website http://www.dn-agrar.eu/, starting from the date of publication of the Notice in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part IV.

Adopted in two (2) original counterparts, in Romanian and English. In case of discrepancies between the English and Romanian versions, the Romanian version shall prevail.







Jan Gijsbertus de BOER,

Chairman of the Board of Directors




Jan Gijsbertus de BOER

Presedintele Consiliului de Administratie/

President of the Board of Directors




Informatii furnizate prin IRIS, platforma de stiri a Bursei de Valori Bucuresti.


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